Marital Bliss Doesn’t Make a Marriage Work

Marital bliss…it is a common feeling experienced by newlyweds and one that seems to deteriorate with time. We tend to view this as a bad thing but I would like to challenge that. Marital bliss is romantic and all but there comes a point in your marriage when you have to learn how to live. The reality of life is that not everyday will be magical. There are bills to be paid, long days to get through, children to raise, pressures to deal with and the list goes on. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy marriage while dealing with all … Continue reading

OneGreatFamily Can Help You Build Your Family Tree

Need some help filling in the missing pieces of your family tree? There is a genealogy website that can help you to do that. It is called OneGreatFamily, and it actually works on your family tree for you, while you are doing other things. It will even let you know when it finds new information. Genealogists, even amateur ones, spend countless hours doing research, gathering information, and putting together their family tree. There are going to be times when you have too many things going on in your life and are too busy to work on your genealogy research. Or, … Continue reading

Talking Money With Your Honey

Did you know that money is the most common cause of disagreement among couples? Whether a couple is rich or poor does not matter, disagreements about money are common among couples from all points on the economic spectrum. It’s no wonder, then, that many couples avoid discussing finances at all costs. What if you knew that discussing your finances together could actually improve your relationship, if you went about it the right way? You would probably be more inclined to give it a try. Tackling the tricky area of finance as a team can actually strengthen your relationship and keep … Continue reading

Stay-At-Home Working Parents, Take Heart

Many home-based professionals and many people that dream of working from home do so because they want to be stay-at-home parents. However, even though being a stay-at-home parent is a rewarding choice, to say the least, it is not without its difficult moments. Some of the difficult things that happen when one or both parents chooses to stay at home are related to finances, trying to earn as much as possible from home and keep expenses as low as possible. These are not the things that trouble me the most. With good communication and a commitment to working together to … Continue reading

Setting Up Your First Budget as a Couple

Newlyweds face many challenges as they seek to form their own family unit. They struggle to get along with in-laws, they have to put up with their spouse’s snoring and bad habits, and they must learn to think in terms of “us” instead of “me.” Perhaps one of the most difficult challenges they face is that of constructing a budget for their new household. Engaged couples do well to sit down together and look over their financial status, making important decisions for their future. Will they both continue to work, or will one stay home? Will they keep both their … Continue reading

Why Make Decisions Together?

Over the last couple of blogs we’ve looked at predetermining choices for spouses and family. I’m adamant making decisions together is a far better way to go in marriage. Why? Let me give you some reasons. It’s better for your marriage. Each person feels more involved in the choices made. It strengthens your marriage and you learn to take responsibility and learn from your mistakes together. Another reason is the responsibility doesn’t rest on one person. This can be come very stressful for the person responsible for always making the decisions. Of course it also means that if the decision … Continue reading

Handle Stress in Your Marriage

With high mortgages, job losses and the economic situation putting further stress on people, marriages are being affected. How do we cope with the stresses of life and the changes that occur? Some people have seen their future savings for a home or retirement on their investments in the stock market eaten into. Others are struggling day to day just to keep food on the table and the family clothed. I know what that one is like. We spent many years in that situation where experts told you to save but there simply wasn’t anything to save because we’d chosen … Continue reading

Finances, Work and Marriage

Who is the main financial planner in your marriage? Is it you or your spouse? According to Nancy Gibbs in her article What Women Want Now, 65% of women cite themselves as being the family’s main financial planner. 71% labeled themselves the ’family accountant.’ Mediamark Research and Intelligence tends to back up those claims saying women in the make 75% of the buying decision in home in the USA. I wonder is it any different in Australia or the U.K. Anyone care to comment? Despite the recession and economic downturn many women have more control over money than ever before. … Continue reading

What To Teach Your Children About Marriage

What should you be teaching your children about marriage? What is the best way to go about teaching them are two questions to look at. Here are some things I believe we should be teaching our children about marriage. Marriage is not something that should be entered into lightly. Marriage between a man and a woman is a lifetime commitment not just until you get tires of the person or bored or it becomes too hard. Marriage is not for the faint hearted. It needs time, effort selflessness and work to make a great marriage. Don’t go into it thinking … Continue reading

How to Prevent Money Matters from Hurting Your Marriage

Money and financial issues are one of the leading causes of conflict leading to divorce in modern marriages. Differences of opinion on what to do with money, how to save and how to spend can make you feel as though you are constantly butting heads with your spouse. If you and your spouse agree on all money issues then congratulations. You are a rare pair. Most couples have different attitudes toward money as individuals. Even couples who are have similar values (savers, let’s say) can vary a bit within their attitudes (one likes to save a little bit more than … Continue reading