Basic Budget Strategies for Achieving your Goals

What sort of budget strategy do you have? Is it working? Budgeting can be a chore that we often put off, but if you have dreams and goals… it can help you achieve them. The first step in budgeting is coming up with an accurate measure of your expenses and income. Start by tracking these for at least two months; and then attempt to look at averages for certain fluctuating expenses and income like heat or sales commissions. Then create a spreadsheet – either on a piece of paper, excel document or budgeting software. The first part of the spreadsheet … Continue reading

Budgeting Is Emotional

Are you truly ready to make the changes you need to with your finances? Let’s face it, it is not easy to change your money habits. Often your spending habits affect more than just your pocketbook. You may eat out to spend time with friends and family or simply because you are too tired to cook. You may enjoy buying new clothes on a regular basis because it helps you feel confident at your job. One of the reasons that budgeting may be difficult is because there are so many emotions tied to the way that you spend your money. … Continue reading

Money Strategies That Worked in Our Marriage

Today I’ll tell you some ways we approached the money issue in marriage. Mick and I always worked out our finances together. There were no secrets, except for the ones around Christmas, anniversary or birthdays. The main thing is to work out a budget and stick to it. But each person should have a little mad money they didn’t have to explain. This can be spent on clothes, saved for gifts, or used for whatever. Shop less regularly for groceries. We grocery shop once a month. Unfortunately fruit and vegetables have to be more often but stick to only that. … Continue reading

Wow… Times Are Tough

You simply cannot pick up a paper without some headline about the real estate market’s bursting bubble, the failing economy, gas price increases or worse. Basically, as the media presents it, our nation’s finances are in the pits. No wonder so many of us are also feeling squeezed. Maybe you are worried about your job security if the company you work for is struggling in this economy. Maybe you have your house on the market for less than the amount you owe on your mortgage. Or, maybe you simply feel like you don’t have enough to make ends meet. Given … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: March 31st Through April 6th

Have you been stocking up on ham and bacon this week? And what about the other great food bargains? If you don’t know what I am talking about, check out last week’s frugal articles. March 31st Goodwill Offers and Finds Do you shop at the Goodwill? Here are some of the finds that were available Saturday at my local Goodwill. Planning Your Frugal Summer Travel I know that we just reached spring, but summer won’t be far behind. And now is a perfect time to start planning your summer vacation. With the economy the way it is, many people will … Continue reading

Setting Priorities for your Money

Setting your own personal priorities and goals for your life in regards to money is really the very first step. However, many people skip it. They set up savings, investments and even their budget, without really taking the time to figure out their priorities. Very few people can achieve all their goals and desires. Still, if you can narrow down your dreams to a few key ones, the possibility of achieving them magnifies. Start first by making a list of all your financial dreams. Then review them, selecting the top five that are most important to you. If you have … Continue reading

Tracking Small Purchases

One of the most frustrating aspects of money management is keeping up with the little purchases. This can be difficult if you are dealing with debit transactions or cash. It is so easy to say that the five or ten dollar purchases don’t matter, but they can add up and overdraw your account if you are not careful. Here are five ways to limit those purchases and to track them better. 1) Try to limit the small transactions by planning ahead and doing bigger shopping trips. You usually spend more money then you plan to on little stops or you … Continue reading

Money Week in Review October 14 – 20

In Measure of Success Debbie offers great insight on what it really means to be successful with your money. She also gives suggestions to help you be truly successful with your money. In 10 Ways to Spend Fun Money Miriam shares her favorite ways to spend her free money. She also asks for your suggestions. What do you like to spend your fun money on? In Do You Have a Dream Salary? Miriam points out that making a lot of money is not going to solve your financial problems. It is important to manage your money so that you can … Continue reading