Talking About How Much You Make

Perhaps I am a little unusual, but I LOVE getting together with other freelancers and home business owners and talking about income. I think it is because I can get pretty isolated in my little world over here and am apt to beat myself up thinking that I am not doing a good enough job or generating enough income. It is good to get with other folks in similar circumstance and compare notes on the revenue side of our businesses. Of course, this demands that we be able to comfortably talk about money and income. It took me a few … Continue reading

Money Week in Review May 14-June 2

First I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new money blogger Debbie Vasen. I know that you will enjoy reading her insights on family finances. She has introduced herself in Why Trust a New Money Blogger? You learn more about how to include your family in your money decisions in Family Money. Comparing the Value of Your Things to Your Time helps you gain an additional perspective on what your spending your money and your time on. Money Decisions and Marriage discuss the importance of including both spouses in the financial decisions and balancing the tasks between … Continue reading

Why Is Talking About Money Taboo?

How open are you about your finances? Money is really a taboo subject. People don’t talk about it a lot. Even close friends skirt delicately around the issue. Many families do not discuss money either. While how much money you have or make really is not anyone’s business, you can learn and teach others as you discuss your money habits with others. Is it difficult for you to discuss your money habits? One reason that many people are uncomfortable talking about money is the comparison of themselves to others. It can be difficult to be “the poor one” or “the … Continue reading