Why Choose Automatic Savings?

My budget is full of little bracketed notes, all stating when certain things go into and out of my account. In the beginning, I simply budgeted without noting when bills had to be paid. Although I never went into overdraft, I was always living in fear that a huge bill would come along without my knowledge and send my bank account into the negative. Now, that worry is almost entirely gone. I have a note alongside each item in my budget that states when that payment comes out, whether it’s the first of the month, the first Friday, or some … Continue reading

Savings: One of the Most Versatile Preparedness Tools

With all of our daily, weekly, and monthly expenses, it can be really hard to set any money aside for a rainy day. But, it can be possible even if you do not think so. And, the money you save is one of the most useful things you can have in the event of an emergency. Budget your money. By budgeting and allocating your expenses, you can more easily set aside money into your savings. If you do not make plans for saving your money, it most likely will not happen. You may choose to set aside a certain percentage … Continue reading

How Many Bank Accounts Do You Have?

I have three. There’s the family account, where my husband’s paycheck is deposited. From this account, we pay the bills and keep the family afloat. Then there’s my business account, which is hooked to my PayPal account, and this is where all my business checks are deposited. We use this money to pay extra on our bills, and often, when unexpected things come up, like the growth spurt my son’s feet decided to have last week and we needed to buy him new shoes. And then we have a savings account for the kids. Why three bank accounts? What benefits … Continue reading

Tax Refund Loans

Tax time is fast approaching. We have not filed yet. I’m starting to get antsy about it. I know we still have a month and a half. I know that we have an extra few days to file by April 18. I’m still feeling anxious that we haven’t bought TurboTax or started compiling our documents. I’m rather looking forward to it this year. I sold hardly any Avon, so I don’t have much to compile there and I’ve never made any money at it. About half my income last year is W-2 reported instead of all of it on a … Continue reading

Perception is Reality

I am the world’s biggest complainer. Just kidding. Sort of. Ok, not really. Well, maybe… but at least I am not in denial. Actually, I willingly admit to my fault and actively work to eliminate complaints from my conversations. But, it hasn’t always been this way. I’ve been a complainer since I was a teenager, but interestingly, I didn’t realize the extent of my bad habit until I became a parent. How many times have you done this: You and the rest of your clan gear up for a weekend getaway to the beach? Overall, the trip is pretty darn … Continue reading

Keeping Tabs

Do you keep tabs on your money? I’m not talking about reading your bank statements and watching the balance, although both of those things are important, to be sure. I am talking about watching the pennies and the dollars. I know that if I put $60 into my wallet, it can easily disappear. There are no wallet-searching thieves in my neighborhood, just a propensity for buying popsicles and household items and a few extra groceries. Sure, we need all of them, but if I didn’t have the $60 we would make do without them, and life would be just as … Continue reading

Creating Pockets of Money

Let me share with you what happens when I go to the bank. The tellers just love me. I stand there with my money or my request to withdraw some money. Then they scroll down through account after account, until finally they ask me where I’m depositing the money. Actually, I do most of my banking online now and I do take pity on the tellers and tell them about my various accounts. Most of them know me, anyway. But there are occasions when a new person is there and on these occasions, confusion ensues. Why am I so confusing? … Continue reading

Saving Ten Percent

Many of us would really like to save money but just don’t think that it’s possible. Still, financial experts advise the average person to save at least ten percent of his or her income. But, if you are just barely paying the bills as it is, how in the world do you save ten percent? Perhaps this type of thinking is why you haven’t even strongly considered saving. You assume that you just don’t have the money to do it. Well, you may want to think again. The truth is that most people can save money, they just don’t know … Continue reading