Earn Money Selling Children’s Clothing

Selling children’s clothing can be an easy way to earn money! You can make your own hours and work as much or as little as you like. Whether you need an income that will allow you to stay home with children, a fun project that will earn money, or some extra cash to put toward debt, consider earning money by selling children’s clothing. How to Get Started The nice thing about selling children’s clothing is that, if you have children, you can start with the items that they have outgrown! This means that initially, there is no cost to you. … Continue reading

How to Save Money at Oriental Trading

Oriental Trading is my go-to for supplies when I am planning a big birthday party, as I am doing this year. They have a ton of stuff, from decorations to crafts to goodie bag items. It is easy to find items to fit practically any theme. The spending could quickly get out of hand, unless you know the Oriental Trading money-saving secrets. My youngest, who usually gets short-changed in most things, by fortune of his birth (hand-me-downs and a much slimmer photo album) is finally getting his do with an elaborate (for us) knight-themed birthday party. He is inviting all … Continue reading

The Notebook Effect: How Writing Everything Down Saves You Money

Sometimes when we need to cut even more, the only solution is to make ourselves accountable, to pay attention, to have our spending put right smack in front of our face. It is when we ignore our spending, even our small stuff, that things can get out of hand. One of the ways to do this is to get a notebook and keep track of daily spending, whatever it is. Spent $198.57 at the grocery store, write it down. $4.74 on a latte? It goes in the book. $12 at the library book sale? Yup. $1 for mints on the … Continue reading

You Can Go Broke Saving Money

No one tried to go broke by saving money, but that is just what often happens. Moms trying to save a few bucks on their weekly grocery bill start using coupons and find that they are spending more money each week than they did before. Single gals use Groupon or other social savings apps for their nights out on the town and scramble at the end of the month to pay their bills. Families search for deals and sales when they shop for clothes and spend twice what they anticipated. How does this happen? How can you go broke when … Continue reading

Saving Money at the CSA

Today was my first pick up at our CSA (Community Sponsored Agriculture) farm. My friend Amy and I met there. Sharing a full membership can be a great way to save money. Often, a full membership is less than the cost of two half memberships. Plus, if one of you goes on vacation, the other can still pick up, so that week’s share isn’t lost. With Amy and I, we are going to alternate weeks. One week she will pick up the items and then drop my half off to me, the next week I will do the same for … Continue reading

Save Those Pennies! They Add Up

About a year and a half ago, my husband and I decided that we wanted to eliminate the car payment, and so we employed all sorts of methods of scrimping and saving to do this, including reducing our grocery bill, eating out less frequently, and finding fun and free things to do. One big step that got us closer to our goal of paying off the car loan was turning in all of our change. We had a few baby wipe tubs full of change, which we took, as a family, to the bank. We loaded the change into the … Continue reading

Earn Money at a Farmer’s Market

Farmer’s markets are just getting started now, and you can take advantage of their popularity to earn some income! Here is how. First, locate several farmer’s markets near your home, do some research and ask some questions. Do they charge a fee to sell, or can anyone just set up a table with no overhead? Are there rules or regulations of which you should be aware? What types of things are sold at these farmer’s markets: produce only, crafts, anything goes? Find out all you can, so you can make a good decision about which farmer’s market is right for … Continue reading

Be Content with What You Have and Save Time

Something funny happens when you start being content with what you have. You gain more time to do the things that you love. No longer are you having to hunt down and scheme for the material things in life, or work harder to afford them. Instead, you can sit back and enjoy the little things that make life worthwhile, all while saving time. Here is a good example. We used to spend most weekends or even weeknights running around doing shopping errands. You know, the typical trips to Target and Home Depot with maybe some groceries thrown in. While we … Continue reading

Attending a Wedding? Here is How to Save Money

Even if you aren’t the bride, groom or bridesmaid, attending a wedding can be pricey. There is the cost of the dress, tux or suit, the accessories, the transportation costs, the hotel stay, and of course, the gift. If you are actually in the wedding, those costs can go up even more. Here are some ways to save on the cost of attending a wedding. Clothing For a fancy formal wedding, consider renting your gown or tux instead of buying one. For a fraction of the cost you can look stunning. Accessories can also be rented. Alternatively, women can choose … Continue reading

Make Money Selling Baby Clothes

Many people do a thriving business and make money selling baby clothes. There is a high demand for quality baby clothes out there, and people are willing to pay good money for second hand items. By selling baby clothing, you may be able to make some extra money to contribute to your household, pay down debt or save toward something you really want. When I say make money selling baby clothes, I really mean baby and children’s clothing, although anything 12 months to 3T tends to be the most in demand. Most people are looking for brand name clothing that … Continue reading