Debt Ceiling Deal Tentatively Reached in Washington

The nation breathed a collective sigh of relief this evening when President Obama announced that a compromise had been reached so that America will avoid going into financial default. The agreement contains a plan to cut two trillion dollars in Federal spending over the next ten years. While lawmakers have not yet voted on the proposal and are not likely to vote until some time tomorrow at the earliest, there have been indications from both sides that it should be able to pass. There is not too much information out there just yet about exactly what the deal looks like, … Continue reading

Small Changes That Can Make a Big Difference

With all of the attention that big-picture financial issues like the debt ceiling, social security, retirement planning, the real estate market, and so on, it can sometimes seem like the small financial decisions that each of us make many times each day do not have all that much of an impact. Those little things do matter, though, because both the good things and the bad things add up over time. By recognizing that even small financial decisions can greatly affect out big picture financial situation, we can learn to treat those every day choices with more care. Suze Orman, a … Continue reading

What Will Happen If The Debt Ceiling is Not Raised?

The arguments that have been taking place in our nation’s capital over whether to raise the debt ceiling have been going on for a while now. While individual consumers have not likely felt much of an impact from all of the debate, there is a date fast approaching where things may begin to happen if the debt ceiling is not raised. August 2, 2011 has been put out there as the date after which the United States will not be able to continue meeting its debt obligations if the debt ceiling is not raised. What does this mean for the … Continue reading