Gift-giving This Holiday Season

I hate to say it, but it’s true. Halloween is next week, and the minute those orange pumpkins go on clearance, up come the Christmas decorations. I have to say, it weirds me out every November 1st to get in the car, flip on the radio, and hear Christmas carols. Really? On November 1st? The point is, the holiday season is bearing down on us, and we might be wondering what to get for a specific individual. I’d like to make some suggestions revolving around money. No, I’m not talking about putting a twenty in an envelope and handing it … Continue reading

Knowing When to Quit

I’m not a quitter. Once I make up my mind to do something, I’m in it 100%. That’s usually a good thing, but not all the time—I’ve had the experience of staying with things long after they ceased to be the right thing for me to do, and got hurt. When it comes to money and our endeavors to make it, keep it, and invest it, we need to know when to quit. Think about the following. 1. Quitting your job. In today’s economy, it can be wise to hang on to the jobs we have because we don’t know … Continue reading

Ways to Save: Stocks

Playing the stock market sounds very dangerous to many people. For others, it’s simply a way of life. But is it a good way to make or save money? Well, this is certainly a higher-risk area to invest in than bonds, that’s for sure. If you want to learn about the stock market, begin by doing some research before you actually begin to invest. What areas interest you the most? What are the established companies in that area, and what are their track records? What are the emerging companies or products in that area, and how well do you think … Continue reading

Ways to Save: Low Risk Mutual Funds

Are you looking for a way to save that is relatively low risk but will usually result in a small and steady gain over time? Low-risk mutual funds might be for you. What is a mutual fund? Many of those new to investing get worried about buying stocks. Aren’t stocks risky? Well, it depends on what you buy and how you buy them. Mutual funds invest a lot of money in stocks, but this money is pooled from many, many investors. This means that you have your money invested in a very small amount of many different stocks. It also … Continue reading

Index Funds

The following is a brief financial planning lesson for you. While everyone has their own opinions about where to put your investments, this is one concept we all should consider: index funds. What is an index fund? It is a mutual fund that is managed to follow the average rate of the market it is in (the index). An example would be an index fund for the U.S. stock market. The fund manager’s goal would be to maintain an average increase in the funds value that matches the average overall increase in the stock market as a whole. What are … Continue reading