Parking Spot Costs $640,000

What better way to encourage the use of public transportation than to making the cost of parking outrageous! That is the case in Hong Kong, where land, no matter how small, is a great commodity. CEO Jacinto Tong has a piece of prime real estate in Hong Kong – a parking spot. Yes, it is only 8-feet-by16-feet, but this slab of concrete comes at a hefty price – $640,000. That is about $5,000 per square foot. Tong says it is the best parking spot he’s ever had – he only has to walk 20 steps to the elevator. And, he … Continue reading

Trade a Car Payment for the Cost of Gas?

Now that the cost of gas has reached over $4 a gallon, it puts this expense into a completely new category. The rising cost of driving has reached the cost of many other large items, including the purchase of a new car. With gas prices so high, it is time to look at your whole budget. A good friend of mine told me an interesting budget story last week. Both her and her husband live in a rural area and have to commute to work in town each day. They have different schedules, so they can’t carpool. In addition, since … Continue reading

A Little Saving Can Go a Long Way

Most people can’t afford to place 20 to 25 percent of their paychecks into a high interest savings account like money experts suggest. However, there are a slew of other ways you can help your financial situation. The following simple ideas can add up to big savings over time if you are consistent about executing them: Food: You can save money on produce by planting a garden with items you and your family eat on a regular basis. If you have a hearty harvest, you can also trade fruits and vegetables with neighbors. Clothing: Stretch your dollar by repairing worn … Continue reading