Death Index Helps Genealogists – And Enables Fraud

The Social Security Death Index is a great resource for genealogists. It can be used to validate the research that a genealogist has already completed. Unfortunately, there are thieves who are using this same database to commit tax fraud and identify theft. The Death Master File is a database that was created in 1980. It contains the names, birth dates, and Social Security numbers of more than 90 million deceased Americans. It became accessible under the Freedom of Information Act because businesses in the United States wanted to use it as a tool against identity theft. The Social Security Death … Continue reading

Tax Time Cleanup

There is almost no better time to clean up your financial files than at tax time. You are already pulling tons of information together for yourself or your accountant. Before you file it all back… take a few minutes to look at what you got. Saving is better than throwing away when it comes to bills, receipts and statements. Until you have accumulated so many that, you no longer can find what you need. Then it is time to stop and re-evaluate. Your tax forms are the most critical documents to keep track of. The IRS recommends you keep the … Continue reading

Time for Taxes and Theft

So, it is definitely tax time. We are all getting our paperwork, making appointments with accountants, setting up the software. While taxes are no fun for us, they can be a gold mine for identity thieves. The information on your tax forms is highly valuable to the unscrupulous. These forms contain so much personal financial information; they should almost be carried in an armored vehicle. Therefore, it is critical you guard this information well. Things to watch out for include: 1. The cheap and fast large-scale tax preparer setup. These are often set up around this time in high traffic … Continue reading

Marriage Two-Timers: Truth is Stranger than Fiction

Sherry’s been doing a great series on affairs, separation and how to cope with the aftermath of the emotional and physical betrayals. But what we don’t talk about often is when the affair is much more than that – what if you found out your spouse maintained an entirely separate life from you? In the category of truth is stranger than fiction: Reverend Henry Lyons The Reverend was the leader of the National Baptist Convention from 1994 to 199. In 1997, his wife was charged in the burning of a mansion on the waterfront in St. Petersburg, Florida. The Reverend … Continue reading

Money Week in Review – September 23 – 29th

This week in Money started off with an article touting another blog on Families. Debbie made a point about Frugal Thinking. While the mindset might seem extreme to some, it is a helpful way to think when spending money. Can you believe it is October already? Well Christmas is coming up fast, so be sure to take a moment to prepare by reading Miriam’s article, Holiday Spending. By planning ahead you can have a good time and not spend a fortune. No matter what your age, Saving for Retirement is important. Debbie offers you five tips in her blog entry … Continue reading