Teaching Children to Do Own Laundry

Once my children turn 13 years old, they become responsible for their own laundry. I had been a little more generous with my youngest son (you know how that can be…the whole “it’s my baby” thing). But the past couple of weeks, I have finally been strong enough to let him deal with the repercussions of letting dirty clothes pile up on the floor. Not wanting to wear dirty clothes for school today, he threw in a load of wash last night. Thankfully I decided to watch how he was doing it. I had taught him how to use the … Continue reading

Children And Money

When your teenager gets a job it’s a huge step for them towards being an adult. When Hailey was younger I didn’t really teach her about money management because we didn’t have any left over for her to manage. I tried to set a good example. As a single mother many times I lived hand to mouth but I let her know the importance of paying your bills first, taking care of anything that is a true need, saving some for a rainy day, and then, if there is anything left, getting something you want. When Hailey got her first … Continue reading

Teaching Kids About Saving

As a single parent we all know money is tight. There are so many ways to save money, but isn’t it so much easier if it is already a habit? By teaching our children the importance of saving we are giving them the tools they will need as they get older and having to deal with finances on their own. When we were young we never had an allowance. I remember feeling so jealous of all my other friend’s parents handing them money every week. If we wanted to earn money we had to work for it. We had regular … Continue reading

Tips For Teaching at a School That Your Child Attends

In one of my last articles I discussed some of the hardships that can be faced when you have a child that attends the same school in which you teach. While the first few days can be a difficult transition for your child, there are some things that you can discuss with your child before the beginning of school that might make things easier on both of you. These tips are more geared to the first year that you and your young child attend and work at the same school. · Discuss with your child the importance of remaining part … Continue reading

Money Week in Review: September 30-October 6

There were a wide variety of topics covered in Money this last week. You can learn a little bit about saving, handling your accounts and helping others. Has a check you have written become lost and stolen? You can learn what you need to do to protect yourself in Stopping Payment on a Check. This also talks about what the bank does to stop payment. Miriam encourages you to work with your spouse when it comes to money in Work Together on Your Finances. This blog emphasizes the importance of starting by planning together. After you have done the initial … Continue reading

4 Ways to Encourage Your Children to Save

Saving should be an integral part of what you teach your children about money. It goes along with the importance of teaching your children to give. It may seem silly to teach your three-year-old to begin saving money, but if you teach her when she is young, the habit will go with her. Here are four different ways to teach your children to save. 1) When your children are young, have them save money towards a specific goal. It might be fun to do this in a big glass jar. You could save for something as a family. When they … Continue reading

Money Week in Review: September 16-22

In Save Your Paperwork Debbie gives some great advice on what paperwork you should save. She offers some money saving and organizational tips as well. She points out that it is important to stay on top of your paperwork as well. Monthly Budget and Biweekly Paychecks addresses the confusion that might arise when it comes to budgeting. It gives suggestions on how to make your money and your budget work for you. Reward Points for Kids offers a new way to address the allowance–chores issue. Debbie’s unique solution is worth considering, since it simplifies matters. You can reward or take … Continue reading

Money Week in Review: September 3-September 8

Money is one of the leading cause of marital problems. In Working on Your Finances with Your Spouse, Miriam offers some tips on making it an easier process. She also gives suggestions on what to do if your spouse does not want to get involved in the process. Do Your Lifestyle Choices Affect Your Budget? takes a look at the health choices you are making and whether or not they affect your pocketbook. It is important to realize that our decisions usually affect all areas of our lives, not just one. Debbie offers some great advice on teaching your children … Continue reading

What Motivates You to Manage Your Money?

What motivates you to manage your money? If you are just beginning to manage your money and to get your debt under control was there a specific experience that brought you to that point? Or if you have always managed your money, saved, and avoided debt, why do you think you do this? Do your parents have an affect on the way that you handle your money? I think that my biggest motivating factor is seeing the stress that money has caused other people. I also have plans for my retirement. I want to travel and help others. I know … Continue reading

Involving Your Kids in Your Finances

How aware are your children of your financial situation? Do they simply think that money is always available for them to spend? Or do they worry because they know that you do not have a lot of money? It can be difficult to find the balance of how much your children know about your current financial decision. You do not want to overwhelm them with knowledge that they are not ready to handle, yet it is important to teach them the value of things and how money works. It can be beneficial to have your children learn your monthly budget. … Continue reading