The Importance of Reading About Finances

It is important to understand what is happening to your money and why. It is important to continue to learn about money management, investing and budgeting. One way to do this is to read about finances on a regular basis. One easy way to do this is to read at least one book about finance a year. Another thing you can do is to subscribe to a magazine that explains the trends that affect your money, and investing strategies. I make it a point to read at least one new book about finances every year. This has really affected the … Continue reading

Learn About Money

If you feel that your finances are spinning out of control and you do not know what to do or where to start there are several resources available to you. You need to educate yourself on the best ways to deal with money. If you feel that budgeting is your biggest problem, you can read books about budgeting. If you feel at a total loss when it comes to investing, you can begin to read books on investing. When you begin to learn more about managing your finances you should look carefully at who you are taking your advice from. … Continue reading

Money Week in Review May 14-June 2

First I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new money blogger Debbie Vasen. I know that you will enjoy reading her insights on family finances. She has introduced herself in Why Trust a New Money Blogger? You learn more about how to include your family in your money decisions in Family Money. Comparing the Value of Your Things to Your Time helps you gain an additional perspective on what your spending your money and your time on. Money Decisions and Marriage discuss the importance of including both spouses in the financial decisions and balancing the tasks between … Continue reading

Rediscover your local libraries – Four tips!

My co-blogger Miriam wrote a great post a while back about reading books on finances to keep you informed and motivated on your own personal financial journey. She wrote about specific books and a magazine that you can subscribe to, and I’ve found her information valuable. However, my book budget this month is zero. Well, I could probably squeeze out about $10.00, but basically I don’t have money to spend on books. What to do? Here’s my advice: Rediscover the libraries in your town. 1. We all know about the public library. Make sure you have a current library card … Continue reading

What I’ve Learned About Money and How I Learned It

You can pick up knowledge in a lot of different places. You can learn about how and what to spend your money on from watching television, hanging out with your friends, and from watching your parents. I haven’t really shared how I’ve learned what I know about money. So I thought I would give you a quick rundown of my experiences of what I’ve learned, why and how. I learned the importance of thrift and the clearance sales from my mother. When I was young she was an excellent bargain hunter. In fact she still is. From her I learned … Continue reading