Credit History and Marriage

Often when two come together in matrimony, the question of money and credit will arise. While a husband and wife may love each other, they may not be a match with their credit scores. If one spouse has a significantly worse credit history, does it affect the other? While a couple joins in many ways, their credit history does not have to. Credit reports are entirely individual and so are the credit scores. There is no such thing as a joint credit report or credit score. Even when a couple applies for a loan together, like a mortgage, their individual … Continue reading

Financial Goals for Marriage

Finances and marriage are always a tough combination. There never seems to be enough money and sometimes, there can be too much. Both can be a potent one-two punch to a marriage’s balance and tranquility. Married to the Money Financially, my marriage has been in both boats. In the early years of our relationship, we always had excess cash. It sounds great and at times, it was great. But whenever we had difficulties in the relationship, we used money to repair problems. We’d buy presents or go do something extravagant. Retail therapy was a great panacea for all ills. What … Continue reading

Money Decisions and Marriage

How are financial decisions made in your family? In some relationships the money is divided into yours, mine and ours. The husband and wife each contribute part of their salary to the household pot, and then they keep the rest. While this may work for some people, it would cause a great deal of stress in my life. Is there one spouse in your relationship whose vote counts more when it comes to saving and spending money? Or are you an equal team when it comes to making serious financial decisions? Does it matter if your spouse makes more money … Continue reading

The Importance of Honesty and Finances in Marriage

It is important to be completely honest about your finances with your spouse. This can be difficult at times, especially if you are spending more money than your spouse would approve of. It can also be difficult if you just do not have enough money each month—the situation is stressful and you may just want to avoid thinking about it, let alone talking about it. It may be that you have credit card debt that your spouse does not know that you have racked up. You may be hiding a savings account from a less frugal spouse as well. It … Continue reading

Lying is Bad

A student lied to me today. Actually, this particular student lied to me, to one of my teaching assistants, and to themselves. In a last ditch effort to salvage their grade for a course they’ve obviously never attended or done work for, this student tried to lie. I’ve never understood this compulsion to lie. I mean, I guess I “kind of” get it, but in my soul it just doesn’t make sense to me. Today I’m going to talk about honesty and success. Before my time as a graduate student/teacher I spent time working in a bank. As you may … Continue reading

How Major of a Purchase Can You Make without Consulting Your Spouse?

Marriage is a unity. By the term unity it is meant that two join as one. All of the history of each individual and all of the future of the two are combined. As most courts see it, things are split equally. Because of this unity, most couples feel that communication and joint decisions should be made when important issues arise. These issues may be family related, job related, or money related. When it comes to money topics, couples share different views on how the money in the relationship is divided. Some couples have a completely shared account. Others prefer … Continue reading

Determining your Money Goals

When you first get married you don’t typically choose a mate because you share the same money goals. Once the passion shifts and reality sets in though, you do learn that coming together in a marriage means coming together financially. The main step to success in this merger is to derive a clear set of mutual monetary goals. This process can be complicated and emotional. It goes beyond the marriage to personal and family goals. Arriving at a consensus can often be a struggle. Let the following tips help you better determine your vision as a couple. 1. Start by … Continue reading

Checking Accounts- Joint or Separate?

When two people unite, everything is 50/50 right? When a couple gets married I usually hear the saying, “what’s yours is mine”. So how does this work for money? I know many married couples from work and around the community where I live. With many different couples, there are many different ideas about sharing money in a marriage. Some couples are more willing to unite as one when it comes to their money. Other couples like for things to remain separate. Some couples I know follow the 50/50 rule to a tee. They have one checking account and both persons … Continue reading

Money: Week in Review Jan 22 – Jan 28 2007

This week on the Money Blog I’ve been dealing with the death of my Mother in Law, and my blog posts have reflected our loss. I’ve blogged about inheritance and how to make financial decisions if you’ve recently inherited some cash and some ideas about giving away your money. I’ve also thought about going back to school and getting a new job, maybe as a programmer? Miriam wants to make sure that married couples are talking honestly about their finances. Here’s the last week in review: Friday, 26 Jan 2007 Earn More! Top Paid Jobs with Growth Potential. by Michelle … Continue reading