Things Wealthy People Do That You Can Do Too

Do you ever wonder what wealthy people do in order to stay wealthy? There are a few things that many wealthy people do that help to keep their bank accounts growing. There are also a few things that most wealthy people do not do, and they are just as important as those things that they do do. One very important thing that wealthy people do not do is that they do not spend all of their money. According to Thomas Stanley and William Danko, authors of “The Millionaire Next Door”, “wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend”. Many … Continue reading

The Debt Snowball – A Good Strategy For Any Season

Over the past few days, a few more inches of snow has fallen where I live. Yesterday while I was outside, I realized that the recent snow is the kind of snow that makes good snowballs. This means that it is a good time to talk about one sensible strategy for getting out of debt – the debt snowball. I first heard about the debt-elimination method called the debt snowball when I read Dave Ramsey’s book, “The Total Money Makeover”. It is an effective method for getting out of debt, and I think that part of its effectiveness is that … Continue reading