Credit Freeze

What is a credit freeze? No, it is not a Dairy Queen shake or a snowman in the shape of your credit card. It is a newer system enacted by all three credit bureaus to help those who are no longer using credit to preserve their reports and scores. The best candidates for a credit freeze are retirees or those who have so much income they will no longer need to borrow for any purchase. Having a credit freeze does not limit your ability to use credit cards or current loans; it simply restricts the creation of new accounts. This … Continue reading

Stop that Credit Junk Mail

Do you receive credit cards offers in the mail? Well, take that as a good sign about your credit, but a bad sign about your vulnerability. These offers not only fill up the recycling bin, they leave you exposed to mail crime and identity theft. Many of us can easily say we receive at least a handful of pre-approved credit offers in the mail each week. What do you do with these? If you don’t plan to use any of them, they probably end up in the trash. Hopefully you also put them through the shredder first. If these offers … Continue reading

Money Week in Review – September 23 – 29th

This week in Money started off with an article touting another blog on Families. Debbie made a point about Frugal Thinking. While the mindset might seem extreme to some, it is a helpful way to think when spending money. Can you believe it is October already? Well Christmas is coming up fast, so be sure to take a moment to prepare by reading Miriam’s article, Holiday Spending. By planning ahead you can have a good time and not spend a fortune. No matter what your age, Saving for Retirement is important. Debbie offers you five tips in her blog entry … Continue reading