Impulse Buying

Impulse buying—we all do it. In fact, I would wager that every time we go to the store, we come home with at least two things we threw in our carts totally spur of the moment. An item here and there can’t really break the budget, can it? Well, if it’s an item here and there every time we go to the store, those extra dollars add up and we find ourselves wondering where all our money went. How do we keep that impulse buying under control? Here are some ideas. First, as you place something in your cart, ask … Continue reading

Stop. Back Away From That Impulse Purchase

Sometimes, money-saving strategies do not involve anything complex or extreme. In fact, sometimes, the simpler the strategy, the more likely it is that you will be successful in implementing it. One simple strategy for saving money is to stop and think before making any purchase, no matter how small. Impulse buying is so easy to do – you go into a store for one thing and before you know it, you have a basket or cart full of things before you get to the checkout counter. Advertisers design their in-store advertising and product packaging to grab your attention as you … Continue reading

Things Wealthy People Do That You Can Do Too

Do you ever wonder what wealthy people do in order to stay wealthy? There are a few things that many wealthy people do that help to keep their bank accounts growing. There are also a few things that most wealthy people do not do, and they are just as important as those things that they do do. One very important thing that wealthy people do not do is that they do not spend all of their money. According to Thomas Stanley and William Danko, authors of “The Millionaire Next Door”, “wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend”. Many … Continue reading

Amidst High Prices There Are A Few Lows

If it seems as though your dollar is not stretching as far as it used to no matter how hard you try, you are not alone. Many of the things that we need and use on a daily basis are getting more expensive. Two of the most obvious items that have been increasing (and increasing and increasing) in price are food and gasoline. While we can do our best to shop smart for our groceries and conserve on gas by carpooling and consolidating errands, we cannot eliminate these items from our budgets like we can do with other things like … Continue reading

Smartphone Apps To Help You Manage Your Money

If you have a smartphone such as an iPhone or an Android, chances are you are familiar with the world of apps. There seems to be an app for everything these days, from entertaining babies to knowing how close the nearest Dunkin’ Donuts is. You already use your smartphone and its army of apps for many things – have you thought about using it as a tool that can help you manage your money? There are many apps out there that you can use to help you with your finances. I decided to check some of them out. Anyone who … Continue reading

What is Your Real Attitude toward Saving Money?

We’ve all been taught since we were knee-high to a nickel that we should be saving money. We should put aside 30%, our parents taught us. We know it’s wise, we know we should do it … but do we want to do it, or does it feel like one of those “have to” things, like taking our medicine? Do we ignore the advice because we don’t want to follow it? I would wager that many of us who do save only do it because we know it’s the right thing to do. We know it logically, and yet, we … Continue reading