Realistic Splurges

I recently read an article about things that moms should splurge on. I eagerly read it, I’m always looking for ways to splurge without feeling guilty and breaking the bank. Unfortunately this list was for married moms or at least moms in a better financial position than most single moms. It was great advice but really didn’t apply to me. One of the suggestions was a really nice, all purpose purse. Since Hailey started school my purse is more function than fashion, after all, kids backpacks aren’t cheap and have to be replaced fairly often so there goes the money … Continue reading

Things Frugal People Should Know Before Eating Out

Even frugal people like to eat out from time to time. As much fun as creating inexpensive meals can be, a change of scenery is often refreshing. As any frugal person knows, you can always split a meal, skip the drink, and order water to lessen your restaurant meal. These are frugal basics for restaurant eating. Still, there are a few more ways to cut the bill. Ask about the special to save money when eating out. The special is usually created from foods that are in abundance at a low price. To entice the customers to eat the meal … Continue reading

How Much Should You Eat?

It’s human nature: some of us will take something to one extreme and some will take it to the other. Pregnant woman are warned to avoid overindulging in the “eating for two” diet, which can put baby at risk for obesity later in life. Some women take this advice and go completely too far with it, not gaining enough during pregnancy and putting the baby at risk for low birth weight and problems with brain and spinal cord development. Ideally a pregnant woman should add about 300 calories to her daily intake. Depending on what kinds of foods you are … Continue reading

Should You Get A Home Equity Loan?

If you have built up a good amount of equity in your home, you might be considering taking out a home equity loan, but is this a good idea? First, think of a home equity loan, also sometimes called a home equity line of credit as an investment tool. If you will be using the money in order to make a significant improvement to your home that will increase it’s value, then this is probably a good investment. A good example is if you remodel your kitchen or adding on additional square footage to your home. These things will generally … Continue reading

Should I Splurge?

Are there times when you should go ahead and splurge? Do you need to live your entire life on a budget, buying inexpensive items? When is it okay to spend a little extra, and when should you not? If you have been intent on saving money and getting out of debt, it may be difficult to let yourself spend a little extra money. Here are four questions to ask yourself. 1) Can you pay cash for the item? If you answered yes, then you should be fine purchasing the splurge or upgrading your purchase. If you answered no, then you … Continue reading

What is the Dirty Dozen List?

One of my little frugal dreams is to one day walk into a store and see plump juice organic strawberries for very little cost. That dream may have a hard time being actualized, since organic strawberries, even when in season, can get expensive. Conventional strawberries, on the other hand, may be on sale or even available as a “loss leader,” an item that the store loses money on in the hopes of getting shoppers in the door. Still, it is a rare day when I buy conventional strawberries. They are just too high on the list of produce with the … Continue reading

Tips for Disney World Resort Hotel Stays

Today I just learned about a new Disney resort: the Disney Yacht Club resort.  When I say new, I don’t mean that it’s about to be built or to open, but that I had never heard of it before.  The resort’s been around since 1990.  There are just so many hotels at Disney World, it’s hard to remember them all or keep them all straight. It can be a dilemma for those looking to plan a Disney World vacation.  You may have crossed the first hurdle – deciding whether or not you’re going to stay on site – but you … Continue reading

Five Steps that Will Help You Go on A Spending Break

If you have an unexpected bill, want to take care of a new purchase with cash, build up an emergency fund or just get closer to paying off your overall debt, you might want to consider going on a spending break. How much extra money you accumulate will depend on what you normally spend in any given time period plus how long you decide to stay on your spending break. Saving $500 this month is not unthinkable for most families. Before you get started with a spending break, you’ll need to have a plan to ensure the best success and … Continue reading


Although I recently shared “5 Tips for a Fitter Thanksgiving,” I don’t want to give anyone the impression that you absolutely can’t or shouldn’t splurge. In fact, I might not follow my own tips. I think it comes down to the reality that splurging doesn’t necessarily cancel out all of the work you have done up until Thanksgiving. Your exercise and healthy eating doesn’t go out the window. You won’t suddenly put on 10 pounds because you enjoyed one day of good food. At the same time, I failed to mention in my last blog that not everything you prepare … Continue reading

Michelle Obama’s Fitness Secrets

No matter what your politic beliefs, few can say anything negative about First Lady Michelle Obama’s physique. Clearly she does a good job taking care of her body. So what are her secrets? Recently she divulged 11 things that help to keep her in shape. The first is that contrary to what you might think, she doesn’t count calories. Now this I can relate to. I find calorie counting to be more of a burden than anything else. She also doesn’t like to diet. Instead, she focuses on health (isn’t this what I have been saying in so many of … Continue reading