Giving Up Your Dreams

There are so many challenges to being a single parent. One of the biggest is the loss of your dreams. When we get married we all think that this is the person we will grow old with, the person who will share all of life’s ups and downs. The person who will support us when it comes to fulfilling out dreams. It’s hard to let go of that. The thing that still makes me the saddest is knowing that I no one else feels like I do about my daughter. There is no one to share the joys of her … Continue reading

Doing Something Novel Can Boost Your Sex Life

Having intimacy in a marriage is about more than just sex. It is being able to be with someone in a way that you can’t with anyone else in the world. It is knowing things about that person that no one else knows and sharing things that no one else shares. With intimacy and living together comes a deep knowledge of your spouse. While this is generally a good thing, it can sometimes have a downside when it comes to your sex life. As any married person knows, there are things that you learn about your spouse that, well, are … Continue reading

Share Your Money Dreams

What are some of your money dreams? I asked around and came up with this list… feel free to add some of your own! The ability to quit work and stay home with your kids. Believe it or not, both men and women wish for this dream. Some men want it for their family; others want it for them too. Having one parent home can save money on childcare and make everyone’s life less frantic, but it is also tough to lose one whole income. To buy your first home or condo. Often coming up with the financial means to … Continue reading

Determining your Money Goals

When you first get married you don’t typically choose a mate because you share the same money goals. Once the passion shifts and reality sets in though, you do learn that coming together in a marriage means coming together financially. The main step to success in this merger is to derive a clear set of mutual monetary goals. This process can be complicated and emotional. It goes beyond the marriage to personal and family goals. Arriving at a consensus can often be a struggle. Let the following tips help you better determine your vision as a couple. 1. Start by … Continue reading

How to Get Your Husband on Board with Your Home-Based Dreams

My grandmother was a spit-fire. I’ll never forget her favorite saying. “When you want to do something make sure you ask your husband and if he says ‘no’, do it anyway”. While I appreciate my grandmother’s spunk, unfortunately the “do it anyway” approach simply doesn’t work with my type-A husband. I can still remember his response when I told him about my latest business venture. “What are you getting yourself into now, Traci”? Okay, so it wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for but I really didn’t blame him. I had tested out a few home-businesses before and had earned … Continue reading

How Christmas Creep Can Cost You Part 2

Yesterday I talked a little bit about how Christmas creep, the practice of retail stores displaying and selling Christmas and holiday items months in advance, is not only annoying but dangerous to your budget. Christmas creep can cost you, and I shared two of the main ways that it does. There are more than two ways that Christmas creep can affect your budget, and knowing how it does can help you avid the pitfalls. Wanting the Latest and Greatest If you rush out and purchase your Christmas items right away, you may be proud to have everything done so soon. … Continue reading

Encouraging Kids to Make Their Own Cash

In most homes, “encouraging” is easily interchanged with “threatening.” After all, how many parents relish seeing their fully capable teens sleeping in until noon and then lounging on the couch watching TV or texting when they could be gainfully employed at a decent summer job? Aside from the freedom to purchase expensive jeans, apps, music, and other teen-related must-haves, there are a slew of additional benefits that your child can gain from a summer job, including: learning responsibility, managing time well, honing math and reading skills, communicating, prioritizing, budgeting money and working on interpersonal relationships. However, before your child can … Continue reading

Planning a Childs Wedding

Planning a wedding for your child as a single parent has it’s own special set of challenges. Who knew that a divorce really would affect everything? With the current rate of divorce and remarriage just the names on the wedding invitations could cause it to be more than a page long. Then you get into who pays for what. The brides family traditionally pays for the wedding, but what happens when you are divorced and you and your ex can’t agree on what constitutes the wedding of your daughters dreams? A fairy tale carriage ride, every little girls Cinderella dream … Continue reading

Homeschooling and the Work-at-Home Mom, Part Two

The other day, I spoke about working from home and homeschooling, and shared my thoughts on the concept of balance. Today I’d like to talk about involving our children in our home businesses. Our goal as parents is to give our children a solid foundation of principles and skills so they can go into the world as caring, responsible people and be able to create a good life for themselves. You can take your home business and use it as a teaching tool for your children, a way to help prepare them in these areas. 1. As you work your … Continue reading

Scam Alert – Rebate Processing

It has been a while since I have discussed any of the home-based business scams that are floating around out there on the internet just waiting to snatch the hard-earned money of people who just want to find home-based work. The scam that I learned about today involves a so-called opportunity where you would process rebates at home. Supposedly, companies that offer rebates need people to process those rebates and they outsource that work to people who process rebates for them from their homes. Unlike some of the other scams out there that do a reasonably good job of appearing … Continue reading