Seasonal Overhaul

Summer hasn’t officially started, but if you are serious about saving money this season, then now is the perfect time to get in gear. Once you are done switching out your winter clothes for summer attire and getting your grill and patio furniture cleaned up for backyard barbeques, take some time to do a home energy audit. Experts recommend completing one at the start of the summer season in order to save hundreds or thousands of dollars on energy deficiencies. Many homeowners shy away from the process because a formal audit by a trained professional costs a few hundred dollars … Continue reading

Overhauling the Garage

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Watching TLC’s “Hoarders” makes me want to purge nearly everything from my home. And I don’t have a heck of a lot to begin with. Sorting clutter is part of many homeowners’ spring cleaning rituals, but when you have a mountain of “stuff” to sort; it’s not always easy to get the job done. This is especially true if you are planning to tackle the abyss of items in your garage. For most people the garage is the catch-all for everything that doesn’t fit inside the home. It doesn’t take much … Continue reading

Saving Money on Air Conditioning

Have you turned on the air conditioning yet? Here in Utah it’s reached 90 degrees already so I had a friend open the swamp cooler a few weeks ago. While I love my swamp cooler, I love being able to have the windows open, I do miss central air. That almost refrigerated feel when you come inside after being in the hot sun is almost impossible to replicate with a swamp cooler. The best thing about a swamp cooler versus central air is that the impact on my utility bills is almost non existent. My electric bill will be about … Continue reading

Things That Cost More Than They Should

Life is expensive enough when you pay average prices for things that you want or need. Some things are so overpriced that once you realize how overpriced they are, they will probably lose their appeal. For example, did you know that celebrity fragrances cost fifty to sixty percent as much as similar scents that do not have a famous face associated with them? Perfume and cologne smell nice, but that pricing scheme just reeks. Printer ink is another item where it is easy to lose money. You can have many ink cartridges refilled for a fraction of the price of … Continue reading

Organizing Your Closet

I am always trying to find ways to make more space in my bedroom closet. It used to be a cluttered mess of clothes, shoes, and sometimes random odds and ends that I threw in there. The past year or so I have come up with a few solutions that have helped keep my closet more organized and less cluttered. Donating One idea is to donate your clothes, shoes, and accessories. Donating is good for you and for someone else! There are plenty of charities such as Goodwill, Red Cross, and other organizations that will either pick-up items from your … Continue reading

Hosting a Children’s Garage Sale

Typically the first place that any one who plans a garage sale looks for goodies, is any area that is frequented by children. Perhaps it’s the playroom or toy room, or maybe its the bedroom, basement or attic. Wherever children’s clothing, toys and books are found, is usually where most garage sale planners start. Why? Because kids items are easy to sell at garage sales. But what about allowing your children to have a sale? After a massive overhaul of our basement area in preparation to put our house on the market, we realized that with the blending of our … Continue reading