Ask a Baby Blogger: Chores for Two Year Olds?

Question: I want to teach my child responsibility and feel its important that she has chores and allowance. She will be turning 2 in a month. Do you have any suggestions? Whoa nelly! Take a deep breath and repeat this sentence: She will be turning 2 in a month. She is still, technically, 1. I have written in forums before how we start our children quite young on doing chores. Yes, my twins who are about 32 months, have to help clean up. Certainly teaching your child to help and be responsible with his things is never a bad idea … Continue reading

An Allowance Chart and Buying Candy!

My three-year-old daughter took her twenty cents to the grocery store and insisted on buying candy. Twenty cents won’t buy much – in fact it won’t buy anything, and I really worked on getting her to wait another week until she had forty cents. But no, she was so excited to earn money that off we went to find some candy she could buy with her pennies. Teaching my daughter about money is going to be fun, – and also a challenge. She can be pretty strong willed. I’m lucky that she is also very funny and generous so her … Continue reading

To Pay or Not to Pay – Allowances and Chores

Giving an allowance to a three-year-old child for chores done around the home gets some people riled up. Not everyone agrees with my decision to fork over twenty-five cents for help with cleaning the litter box. In fact, a while back there was a great blog post explaining the two schools of thought: 1. Pay for chores 2. No pay for chores Some parents strongly believe chores should be completed as part of family life, with no reward – and I used to think that way as well. Other parents use a combination approach where some chores are done as … Continue reading

Payment for Chores

My elder daughter is three. Accounting for delays, she’s more of a two-year-old. We have not started giving her an allowance yet. Her experiences with money thus far are swallowing a quarter and getting cards from Grandma with a dollar inside. She can’t read, but she recognizes Grandma’s writing and her name on the envelope. She tears into the cards and triumphantly holds up the dollar telling us it’s money and a dollar. I haven’t asked her what she’s saving for. I’m saving for a new chair for her since her pink rocking chair broke. She’d probably choose something else … Continue reading

Cell Phone Rules for Teens

Some time ago, a Michelle, a blogger asked, “Does Your Child Have a Cellphone”. While it was clearly something she wasn’t interested in, she estimated that 54 percent of 8-12 year old’s would have them in the next three years. I am not surprised. In fact my kids have had cell phones since they were 11. The reason for giving my kids cell phones was to keep track of them when they left the home. Back when I was a kid, my mother gave me change when I left the house so I could call her from a pay … Continue reading

Money Month in Review April 2007

This month in Money there were several great blogs on a variety of topics. There were blogs on budgeting, allowance, debt and credit card scams. Here is a synopsis of everything covered. Michelle shared her accomplishment of being debt free in Debt Free, Debt Free, Debt Free at Last. If you are already debt free or close to there you can read Debt Free! Now What? to learn the next steps to help you on the path to financial freedom. You can read about what to do with the extra money that you have each month. Michelle also warned us … Continue reading