More Stress-Free Savings

Not for nothing, but I just can’t see making my own laundry detergent for the rest of my life, regardless of how much money it could potentially save me. This is not to say that I look down on those who do. In fact, I admire individuals who possess the wherewithal to combine different ingredients and magically mix-up a concoction that actually gets clothes clean. What’s more, I am not above finding alternative ways to sanitize my home without breaking the bank. For example, rather than use Clorox to disinfect my kitchen sink and counters, I use vinegar, water and … Continue reading

Stress-Free Savings

There isn’t a soul out there who doesn’t relish saving cash. However, many people don’t take advantage of money-saving opportunities because they feel it takes up too much time or energy. For example, my dad refuses to cut coupons as he feels it is a waste of his precious time. What he doesn’t realize is that he could potentially save hundreds of dollars per month by simply sitting in his recliner and working a pair of scissors for a few minutes each week. If coupon cutting or rebate programs are not your cup of tea, then consider modifying your lifestyle … Continue reading

Frugal Living Versus Earning More Income

One debate about living frugally is whether to concentrate on saving money by frugal living or whether to spend that same time concentrating on earning a higher income. Both sides of the debate have valid points. Here are just a few. There is only so much you can save. While you can save a significant amount of money by frugal living, at some point you reach an end. You can live off of the grid, raising your own food and clothing but at some point, there is no more to save. In comparison, income is limitless, at least in theory. … Continue reading

Simplify for Savings

Making simple changes can go a long way in reducing both your stress and your budget. When you simplify, you can’t help but save. Don’t worry, you won’t need to draw you own water from a well or kill your own chickens for food (although those things may save you money), but instead you can simply some basic areas in your life to reap great benefits. Reduce the credit cards Reducing your credit cards will naturally reduce your ability to acquire debt. It will also help you to stay organized with your bill paying. Having only one credit card, for … Continue reading

Debt Free! Now What?

If you are close to paying your debts off completely or just recently have, you may be wondering what to do next. It is true that you can start to live a little more comfortably. However, it would not be wise to fritter away all of that extra money in your budget. Here are five suggestions on what to do with the extra money. 1) Begin saving for a great vacation. You have earned it. You worked hard to pay off your debt and made many sacrifices. It is time to reward yourself. It is important that you reward yourself … Continue reading

Analyze This

You know that dream where everyone in the world hates you, but somehow you gain an invitation to compete on Iron Chef America where the secret ingredient is barley and one of the guest judges is Anderson “I love me some Crack Pie” Cooper, and you burn fish so badly that it looks like chicken until you pull back the skin and a sea of pin bones are revealed, and suddenly the entire kitchen goes up in flames… What do you mean you don’t remember that one? I get that one all the time, which probably explains why my 8-year-old … Continue reading

Dump the Storage Unit and Get Out of Debt

According to the New York Times, the number of self-storage units in the United States is on the rise. Unfortunately, most people really don’t need self-storage units. They are usually a waste of money and can contribute to debt. Dumping the storage unit can offer you instant savings. There are very few smart reasons to have a storage unit, and the majority of these require only temporary storage. For example, if a family is moving to a new home and is temporarily renting a furnished apartment while they wait to close on the new house. Renting a self-storage unit year … Continue reading

Value Versus Price – When Not To Go Cheap

It is often said that you get what you pay for. Sometimes this statement is true, and sometimes it isn’t. I often find myself saving money at the grocery store because many store brand products, at least at the grocery stores where I shop, taste as good as or better than their pricier name brand counterparts. However, there are certain purchases where getting a good value does not necessarily mean going with the lowest sticker price. Early last year, when it was time for my oldest son to transition out of his infant car seat (which is of high quality) … Continue reading

Saving Money, Again

As a single parent is there ever a time when you are not stressed about money? If there is, I haven’t found it. I’ve been a single parent for almost as long as I was a married parent and there is always money stress. Through the years I discovered a couple things that helped. Make a budget, I know it’s no fun, but it helps to know what you have and where it goes. If you can’t depend on your child support, don’t include it in your budget, then when you do get it, it’s like a bonus and you … Continue reading

Three Hidden Benefits of an Organized Home

If you need more motivation to stay organized and put in some extra effort to have an organized home, just review the following. There are at least three hidden benefits to having an organized home. More Time with Friends and Family When your home is organized it takes less maintenance not more, believe it or not. A home where everything has its place and quick cleaning routines are established leaves plenty of extra time that might otherwise be spent looking for items or doing frantic marathon cleaning sessions. Also, organized homes will have less clutter to deal with. Fewer possessions … Continue reading