Keep Your Mail Safe

When I was a little girl I’d wait on the corner for the mailman. I liked walking with him to our house. I was always excited about my Ranger Rick magazine coming. I felt so special and important walking with the mailman too. I hated the mailboxes at our first married home, a cute townhouse at the beach. They were so small. I couldn’t wait to have a house of our own so we’d have a real mailbox again. With our first house our neighbors at the end of the cul-de-sac replaced their mailbox with one that locks because they’d … Continue reading

Work Together on Your Finances

One of the most important things you can do to reach your financial goals is to do your budget and financial planning with your spouse. It may seem difficult because you have different management styles or goals, but bringing this inline with each other will help you move forward much faster. Also if you are not on the same page, you will fight about money constantly. You can prevent this when you plan together. You need to realize that you should both compromise so that you can make a plan that works for you. If one of you feels the … Continue reading

The Importance of Honesty and Finances in Marriage

It is important to be completely honest about your finances with your spouse. This can be difficult at times, especially if you are spending more money than your spouse would approve of. It can also be difficult if you just do not have enough money each month—the situation is stressful and you may just want to avoid thinking about it, let alone talking about it. It may be that you have credit card debt that your spouse does not know that you have racked up. You may be hiding a savings account from a less frugal spouse as well. It … Continue reading

Merging Your Finances

If you are just getting married, it can be difficult to begin to merge finances. This becomes especially difficult when it comes down to debt and savings. It may be difficult for the partner who has little or no debt and a lot of savings to want to merge the financial situation with a partner who has large amounts of debt and no savings. The first step to successfully merging your finances is to agree to do so. It may sound silly, but if you hold something back or hide part of your finances from your spouse, then it will … Continue reading

Money Decisions and Marriage

How are financial decisions made in your family? In some relationships the money is divided into yours, mine and ours. The husband and wife each contribute part of their salary to the household pot, and then they keep the rest. While this may work for some people, it would cause a great deal of stress in my life. Is there one spouse in your relationship whose vote counts more when it comes to saving and spending money? Or are you an equal team when it comes to making serious financial decisions? Does it matter if your spouse makes more money … Continue reading