Keeping Tabs

Do you keep tabs on your money? I’m not talking about reading your bank statements and watching the balance, although both of those things are important, to be sure. I am talking about watching the pennies and the dollars. I know that if I put $60 into my wallet, it can easily disappear. There are no wallet-searching thieves in my neighborhood, just a propensity for buying popsicles and household items and a few extra groceries. Sure, we need all of them, but if I didn’t have the $60 we would make do without them, and life would be just as … Continue reading

Keeping Tabs on the Blessings

You pray and God answers, but do you take the time to praise and thank Him for those answers, even if at times you may think that is not the way you would have answered that prayer. Thankfully God knows better than we do what is needed. As anyone’s who’s been reading this blog since I started knows, my selling house and moving did not work out as we prayed and planned. But God’s plan was so much better. Some of the blessings are: For the home bible study group that started just after we came to this church. In … Continue reading

Resources for Keeping Tabs on Birth Parents

As a mom who’s adopted child number 6 of 7 and worked very hard to make sure the adoptive parents of all these kids have contact, I have needed to be able to keep tabs on our son’s birth mother. This goes for our younger son’s birth mother as well. It might come across as a bit of an obsession of mine. It grieves my heart at the possibility of a child being born and none of us ever knowing of their existence. Not all birth mothers who’ve lost their children to the state have criminal records, but many of … Continue reading

How Do You View Your Competitors?

No matter what your home – based business is, it is likely that there are other businesses, whether run by home – based professionals or not, that are competing with you. Your clients or customers have options when it comes to where they will purchase their products and services. You are probably aware that there is competition, but what you may not realize is that you have a choice about how to view competition. It is easy to get caught up in trying to keep up with your competitors, and in feeling anxious about whether your product or service is … Continue reading

Week Twenty Seven

Week twenty seven has been largely uneventful in the world of pregnancy. I began the week with the same determination to maintain my pregnancy food journal and exercise routine. It has gotten easier to stay on track and I do not feel as deprived as I did when I started keeping tabs on everything. I feel like I am back in control again and that is incredibly empowering and it gives me even more motivation. This week I officially put away all my pre-pregnancy clothes. Thankfully the weather has continued to be fairly cool so my fall/winter maternity wardrobe is … Continue reading

Back-to-School Debit Cards

Back-to-school is infiltrating every aspect of my finances, from my wallet to my bank statements. My latest statement included a brochure on debit cards for college co-eds. Apparently, my bank offers a special card program designed specifically for students who are leaving the nest this fall. In the case of my bank, parents must open and maintain the accounts, though their college-bound students can access the funds via a bank-issued Visa or MasterCard debit card. Moms and dads can then track their kid’s spending throughout the academic year. Bank cards are just one of dozens of options parents have if … Continue reading

Organize Your Grocery Shopping

You may not be Mother Hubbard, but when you look in your cupboards and can’t figure out what to make for dinner, your cupboards might as well be bare. We all know that good planning makes for healthy, easy-to-prepare meals, but some weeks you may barely have time to cook, let alone plan. Synching your pantry, grocery list, and your weekly schedule can seem very difficult. That’s where a meal-planning service like Say Mmm can help. Sign up for a free account and then click on the tabs at the top of the screen to plan your menu or your … Continue reading

Spring Closet Cleaning

Where do I sign up for a HGTV cleaning pro to come to my house and revamp my closet? I need someone to help me deep-clean and organize my walk-in. Sabrina Soto… Vern Yip… Genevieve Gorder … PLEASE!! Actually, my closet is not dirty, but it could use some restructuring. I am blessed to have a fairly large closet, but I know I am not using the space as effectively as I could be. I’ve taken stabs at trying to organize my bedroom closet. Some have worked better than others. The winners are: Seasonal Rotation If space is exceptionally tight, … Continue reading

Something To Hold On To

I love how the gospel accounts are so different, each one inspired by God but reflecting the personality of the individual. The logical and ordered mind of Luke, the doctor, set out to write a factual ordered account to help Theophilus as well as anyone who reads this gospel, understand more of Jesus. Interestingly Luke was not a Jew, yet the starts his account with the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy of the one who would prepare people for the Savior God would send. This was John the Baptist. Luke had obviously got a lot of his information from … Continue reading


We’ve been foster parents since the first darling baby passed through our front door on November 2, 2007. We had been subjected to the rules, regulations, and classes for months prior so we should have been prepared for the mountains of paperwork that accompanied the bouncing baby girl. The Placement Authorization shows that a particular child has officially been given into our care. The Designation of Medical Consenter of Non-DFPS Employee allows us to make medical decisions on behalf of the foster child. We can’t take the child to the doctor or dentist without either of these forms. Just when … Continue reading