Amazon Go Might Change How You Grocery Shop

Everyone has to go grocery shopping sometime. Your family might go once a month and stock up on bulk items. Or, you could be among those who go grocery shopping once a week. Parents realize that grocery shopping can be difficult if you must wait in a long line with a toddler. Amazon Go might change how your family shops for groceries. Amazon Go describes itself as “the world’s most advanced shopping technology”. It promises there will be no lines to wait in and no checkout area to deal with. Shoppers simply grab the products they need – and go. … Continue reading

Keeping the Peace

Any semblance of peace that may blanket your home tonight will be shattered once dawn breaks on Easter Sunday. Kids will be running around like Energizer bunnies looking for sweet treats left behind by the holiday hare, and once they hit pay dirt, they’ll be even more amped thanks to the endless amount of sugar coursing through their little bodies. However, sugar highs only last so long.  So, how do you stay calm when your kids start to crash? Say “No” without saying “No”:  Your preschooler wants to polish off an entire family of Peeps before you leave the house … Continue reading

Change can be Good

When you have your own business, you may find that after a time of offering the same products and services for a while you want to try something different. One great thing about owning your own business is that you are able to change the types of products and services that you offer whenever you would like to. I am in the process of changing some of the services that I offer through my two home – based businesses and so far, things are going well. One change that I am making with my law practice is that I am … Continue reading

Fitness Should Be a Lifestyle Change

We’re just a few days into the New Year.  Are you still feeling the same resolve to make this a healthier year? It’s no secret that gym clubs are swarming in the month of January.  More fruits and vegetables are purchased in January.  Changes are being made across the board. Yet it’s not uncommon for this to start dropping off in February and March.  By April it’s pretty obvious who are going to be the ones most likely to stick it out. While the good intentions are there, it won’t be what keeps you going.  There has to be more … Continue reading

A Hug a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

If this past year has taught us anything, it should be that we need to hug our kids more. Actually, we should hug anyone who means anything to us or needs encouragement. Studies have shown that hugs can improve both our physical and mental health. I challenge us all to get in at least one hug a day, if not more. For extra credit, hug so much that others think that you are a little eccentric. Isn’t it funny, how the world works. While I was typing this, my husband interrupted to tell me that there was an ambulance across … Continue reading

4 Tips to Help You Keep Your Resolution

As I blogged yesterday, my New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight – again.  The thing about making weight loss a resolution is that so many people do it (especially after all those holiday pounds!), but many fail to follow through. What can you do to keep your resolution?  There are a few hints from psychologist John Norcross on how to keep those resolutions: Believe it can be done. That’s right – don’t let the haters keep you down, saying “You can’t do that.”  Believe in yourself that you can succeed. Be realistic. I am never going to weigh 120 … Continue reading

Idaho Chooses a State-Based Insurance Exchange

Yet another state has selected to have a state-based health insurance exchange. Surprisingly, the state is Idaho, which has a Republican governor and was among the states that sued to overturn the Affordable Care Act. Idaho’s plans for the state-based exchange have yet to be approved. The relationship between the Affordable Care Act and the state of Idaho has been contentious. Idaho was among the 26 states that were plaintiffs in the case heard by the Supreme Court in March of 2012 regarding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. The governor of Idaho is Butch Otter. He is a … Continue reading

Six States have Insurance Exchanges Approved

A total of thirteen states (and the District of Columbia), have been working on creating a state-based health insurance exchange. This week, the Obama Administration gave conditional approval to the exchanges of six states. This is excellent news for the uninsured people living in those states. Part of the Affordable Care Act requires each and every state (and the District of Columbia) to have a health insurance exchange. The exchanges will be used by individuals and small businesses who are uninsured or who are seeking a more affordable health insurance plan. The exchanges will make it clear if a person … Continue reading

Small Changes That Could Boost Your Productivity

If you have been working from home for a while, it is likely that you have settled into a comfortable work routine. Perhaps you start each “shift” in the same way, or you have a pattern of doing tasks in a certain order. Routines can be wonderful and they can help to keep you on track. Sometimes, though, you can find ways to adjust your routine in order to become even more productive. A couple of ideas for adjustments that you could make to your work day fall under the general topic of doing less and accomplishing more. I know … Continue reading

Life Changes Affect Your Mood

I don’t do well with change. As a single mother, I’m used to being in charge. I’m used to knowing what is going on and where my daughter is at all times. Now she is married and it’s really starting to affect me. It’s a lot harder than I imagined to go from being the one who planned everything to the one who finds out about things after they happen. I find myself at a loss. I don’t know what to do with myself or my time. I don’t seem to have any motivation to do much of anything. I … Continue reading