Less Time Cooking = More Time Working

Home-based professionals are often juggling many roles and responsibilities at once. From child care to cooking and cleaning and oh yes running our businesses, we have a lot on our plates including making sure that the family has plenty of nutritious food on their plates at meal time. Cooking is something that I enjoy very much, but I am keenly aware of just how much time goes into making many of the meals that I like to make. There must be a way that at least on some days, cooking and cleaning up can take up a little less of … Continue reading

Money Tips For Kids

Perhaps I did not listen closely when my parents tried to teach me about money, or perhaps I did hear their advice but thought that I could somehow be alright financially without following it. Maybe there was not much in the way of personal finance training in my grade school and high school curriculum. The exact factors that lie beneath my financial ineptness do not matter, though. What does matter is that I educate myself about personal finance now, and that I take care to do my best to ensure that my son grows up to be financially fit. Even … Continue reading

For the Good of the Family

Over the last month, I’ve chronicled my husband’s adventures in employment land. We discussed whether he should take the job, the tradeoffs associated with it, how we would prepare for the glitch in paychecks as we moved from one job to the next. We made the transition from one job to the next, and then our adventures continued as last Friday his new job decided it wasn’t working out and decided to let him go. This was tough. He’d had a lot of hopes for the new position, but the requirements hadn’t been clearly spelled out and there was frustration … Continue reading

Juggling Time, Money, and Family

It’s said that there are people with a lot of time, but who don’t have a lot of money, and there are those who have a lot of money, but not a lot of time. Ain’t that the truth? On days when I feel more free to kick back and relax, I’m not as financially productive, and vice versa. There are a few ways to take a day off and still make money—if you’re the boss and have employees working for you, your company can still be productive if you step away from your desk. But for most of us, … Continue reading

Book Review: Weaving a Family Untangling Race and Adoption

Barbara Katz Rothman is a sociologist. Much of her work has focused on the meaning of motherhood—ranging from studies of the modern midwifery movement, to the consumer pressure to buy for one’s offspring, to the Human Genome Project and the impact of genetics on identity and culture. These two interests– what it means to be a mother and what genes have to do with identity–merged when Rothman and her husband adopted an African-American infant. Rothman’s book Weaving a Family: Untangling Race and Adoption shares her insights, both professional and personal, on transracial adoption. Rothman’s title is inspired by the experience … Continue reading

Working Women a Contributing Factor in Marriage and Family Break-Ups

Working women are contributing to marriage and family break-ups. A recent survey in the United Kingdom came to this conclusion. They found after a study of British childhood that ‘women’s increasing economic independence from their male partners is contributing to family break-ups which is in turn damaging children.’ At the risk of being shot down in flames, I admit I’m old fashioned enough to agree. Yet, it really stands to reason. Depending on the type of job they have, women can be earning more than their men. Some men struggle to deal with that, as it makes them feel inferior. … Continue reading

Creating a Nest Egg

One thing that I’ve always struggled with as a single mom is finances. With a growing child there is always some unexpected expense so usually I was juggling, as my grandmother used to say “Robbing Peter to pay Paul.” The unfortunate part was that I didn’t learn anything from this for a long time. We struggled so much that when I had a little extra money I felt like we deserved a treat. That was all well and good, until the next financial crisis occurred. What I learned over time is that saving money should be the first thing I … Continue reading

Big Bad Bill Collectors Beware

If you dread looking at your called ID every time the phone rings, chances are that you are in debt and you do not want to talk to the bill collectors that are calling (and calling, and calling). Although bill collectors are allowed to call you in an attempt to collect money from you, there are rules that they must follow. Many bill collectors do follow the rules, but some are unscrupulous and use bad business practices to kick you when you’re down. Here’s the scoop on what bill collectors can and cannot do. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act … Continue reading

Shopping – Love It Or Loathe It?

A few weeks ago, I went out shopping for the day with my mom and my son. While I enjoyed spending the time with both of them, throughout the day I kept thinking about all of the things that I would rather be doing with them other than shopping. Things like spending time out in the yard, going for a walk, or even playing indoors. Anything but shopping. How could this be? When did I come to dislike shopping so much? I am not sure that there was any one defining event; it was more like a gradual shift of … Continue reading

Yes, You Can Work At Home!

With rising childcare costs and little time to be with your children it just makes perfect sense to work at home. Even single moms are finding out that this a possibility. It used to be that when you looked into working at home scams were the general course. Do you remember all of those ads for envelope stuffing? How about piece work? This work was usually about putting together some sort of craft made out of leather. With the help of our sometimes fantastic, sometimes scary technology, it is possible to find lucrative work at home that does not involve … Continue reading