How to Turn Your Resolution to Save Money into a Reality

Make sure that you can turn your resolution to save money into a reality when you put the following steps into place. It isn’t enough just to resolve to be frugal or cut back. You have to make a commitment and then know where to begin and how to keep it going. It takes just 21 days, by conventional wisdom, to turn a resolution into a habit. That means with just a little effort each day for the next three weeks, you can start down a path of a lifetime of saving with the end result being financial solvency. The … Continue reading

Increase Your Earning Power Right Now!

There are two ways to be more financially solvent: cut your costs or earn more money. While there is nothing wrong with using coupons or getting the best prices on your purchases (we stretch our money in many ways), you may get a bigger bang for your buck, so to speak, when you increase your income. After all, while there may be a limit to how much your save, there isn’t a limit on how much you can potentially earn. 1. Earn money on the side The easiest way to increase your earning power is to start a side business. … Continue reading

Your Work, Your Worth

I just read a wonderful post by Richele McFarlin about how important it is to avoid taking on work that is not worth your time. I wholeheartedly agree, and I also think that sometimes home – based professionals have a tendency to underestimate what their time is worth simply because they feel so lucky to be able to work at home. It is a wonderful thing to be able to work at home, but it does not in any way diminish the value of your time. For example, if you are a writer who has been able to find and … Continue reading

Planning a Princess Tea on a Pauper’s Budget, Part 1

Little girls and tea parties conjure up sweet images of gloved hands, tea hats, and plush table settings. A tea party is not complete without fancy tea cakes and sandwiches served alongside raspberry tea in delicate teacups. A tea party without elegance is like a princess without a crown. Is it possible to throw a princess tea that does not send your wallet to the dungeon? It will take creativity and planning but with these tips you can please your princess and stay on budget. The solutions provided use items available at the dollar store or discount store. Do not … Continue reading

A Wallet For Budgeting?

Have you set up a new budget for the New Year? Do you revise your budget as things in your life change? Maybe you think of budget as a four letter word. Budgeting and dieting are a lot alike. A diet restricts food intake and cuts out everything that we think of as fun food. That’s why diets don’t work. A lot of people view budgets in the same way. Everything that is a must-pay is added to the budget and there’s often no room for fun in an effort to get finances in order. How is a budget going … Continue reading

Saving Money on Your Summer Vacation: Spending Less in California

Continuing my series “Saving Money on Your Summer Vacation” today we are looking at more ways to save in California. As I mentioned in my previous blogs the fact that financial analysts are warning that we are on the brink of a recession has some contemplating giving up their annual family vacations in order to spare their household’s bottom line. However, I’m here to show you that a little planning can go a long way to help save your family’s road trip. If you simply spend some time researching travel attractions that don’t require you to spend a ton of … Continue reading

Does Your Budget Make You Feel Poor?

One reason that many people hate budgets is because it makes them feel poor. It can be difficult to stop spending money any way that you want to. It takes time to become used to spending within the limits of your budget. You may feel that you are cutting back on things (like eating out, toys, and leisure items) and not seeing an immediate benefit. If you feel poor then your attitude about your money and life will change negatively. Here are four ways to stick to a budget without feeling poor. 1) Make sure that you and your husband … Continue reading

Budgeting Time Savers

One reason many people hate budgeting is because it is time consuming. It can take an hour to balance your checkbook each month, especially if you can’t find the one mistake that you made. It is more difficult than just balancing your checkbook, since you need a constant running total of what you have spent where. It usually falls on the shoulders of one spouse, who then becomes resentful about having to deal with it all the time. While the initial planning and setting up of your budget may take awhile (sorry there is no way around it), here are … Continue reading

Mid-month Budget Crisis!

When you first start a budget, you may end up overspending in some areas. If you have an accident, lose your job or another catastrophe, then you may find out that there is no way that you are going to make your budget for the month. You really have three options available to you. The first is to not spend any money at all, since you have overspent for the month. You can make do with the groceries in your house, and stay home since you do not have any money to buy gas. You may just be hoping that … Continue reading

Is Your Budget Set in Stone?

One mistake that many people make is thinking that their budget is set in stone. This can be an easy mistake to make. The reason it can backfire is that once you have gone over in a category, many people think they have blown the entire month, and then stop worrying about the money they are spending. It is important to realize that you can adjust your budget throughout the month, so that you never spend more than you make. You should have some categories that will cover unexpected expenses. This may be an invitation for your child to attend … Continue reading