GEICO Launches New Facebook App

GEICO has created a brand new app for you to access through Facebook. Just in case you don’t happen to have enough apps already connected to your Facebook page, I suppose. The new one is called “GEICO Shortcuts”, and it is designed for people who currently have insurance from GEICO. Personally, I have tons of apps that I play around with through Facebook. Most of them are games. I find the games to be really entertaining (when they aren’t crashing). The games are the kinds that let you play for a limited duration of time, which makes them a nice … Continue reading

Is It Almost Time For A New Computer?

If you are like many people, then your computer is an essential part of your home, to say the least. You may use it for work, your family uses it for entertainment, and everyone uses it to stay connected with friends and relatives. Everyone in your house (except perhaps the baby and the dog) uses the computer. How do you know that the computer that you use every day will work tomorrow, when you need to send out that important email or your child has to do some research for a school project? Like many electronics, computers have a life … Continue reading

New Computer “Game” Helps Improve Memory in Children with ADHD

A major shortcoming found in children living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is working memory. Working memory allows us to hold onto information long enough to achieve a goal such as looking at a phone number and then dialing it. Those with ADHD or the inability to pay attention are lacking sufficient working memory. According to the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, a new computer program can help relieve this symptom. Cogmed, a Swedish company, and the Karolinska Institute developed the software, which was used in a US study by Steven Beck, Christine Hanson and Synthia Puffenberger … Continue reading

Roots Tech Is Almost Here!

Many genealogists are taking their family history research beyond the record books and onto their computers. Software programs for mapping family trees and online databases for searching all kinds of records are just a few of the ways that genealogists can use technology to help their research along and preserve it for years to come. New technologies are being developed all the time and some of them are geared towards family history researchers. If you have ever wondered what would happen if technology developers and genealogists got together, wonder no more. There is a new conference that will be taking … Continue reading

Digital Photography as a Time Waster

I read somewhere recently that although we love our digital cameras, they’re a time waster. I hadn’t thought much about it before, but once I read that, I had to stop and think. I do spend more time with my photos now than I used to. In addition to the additional time we place in taking photos (since there’s no limit I am guilty of taking many more shots and trying to decide whether they’re any good right on the spot), we also spend more time behind the camera instead of getting into the action. Additionally, there’s the time it … Continue reading

Blogging Your Health

We live in an age of information. Sometimes, it seems harder to disconnect from phones, email, and computers than it is to stay connected! So how much (or how little) personal information and experience do you put out there? Social networking sites have made it possible for anyone and everyone to find an audience of friends, family, coworkers, and even relative strangers. Again, the question of how much do you (or don’t you) say about your everyday life is important. This sort of thing is on my mind lately in regards to health. Do you talk about your health or … Continue reading

New Cuil Search Engine Launched. Is it Good?

Big wigs at Google and IBM have launched a new search engine out of Menlo Park that promises to revolutionize searching on the web. As I write this, the engine claims to have indexed almost 122 billion different websites. It gets its results by ranking pages on content and relevance instead of popularity metrics. I took a look at the search engine today. I absolutely love the snazzy format. Instead of boring and unintuitive links with basic lines of text, you get these little paragraph like boxes of text that come complete with a photo or other image. The description … Continue reading

Fine Tune Technology and Computer Skills

With almost all jobs these days, there is some level of technological background required. However, the vast variety of computer systems, programs, and software applications can be overwhelming. How do you decide where to spend your time (and money) when looking to upgrade your technological skills? First, make sure you have the basics. Whether you are currently employed or on the job hunt, there are some important skills we all need in today’s business world. 1. Microsoft Word and Excel – Even if you use these regularly there are always new features and upgrades. Keeping abreast of these changes will … Continue reading

Firefox Download May Have Set a New World Record

What is your favorite browser? For many it is Firefox by Mozilla, a browser that I personally like. Apparently, many other users feel the same way that I do. Firefox fans are busy downloading the new Firefox 3 at a rate of 9,000 copies per minute! Firefox has many loyal fans who collectively attempted to set a world record for the most software downloads in a 24-hour period. The category is a new one for the Guinness Book of World Records, and it has to be verified, a process that could take up to a week. But for users, it … Continue reading

The Phenomena of Second Notebook Computers

Today must be a day for me to talk about interesting phenomena. One trend that I have been noticing lately is the growing number of people who are purchasing second notebook computers. Much like the second (and third and fourth) televisions in a home, second notebooks seem to be coming almost a standard desire, or seen as a very convenient necessity. For our terms, when I talk about a second notebook, I don’t mean having more than one notebook in a household that is assigned or used by different household members. Dad may have a laptop and so may Junior, … Continue reading