Instant Gratification

We live in a society of instant gratification. We have fast food, instant messaging, we can go through a drive-through for our banking—we have forgotten what it means to wait. Credit cards have taken the concept of waiting and turned it into something foreign. Why wait for something we want? All we have to do is swipe the card and the thing we want is ours. But this kind of mindset is detrimental in so many ways. First off, when we forget how to wait, we forget to be grateful. When everything we want is just handed to us without … Continue reading

Learn How to Make Decisions, and You Can Save Money for Life

I used to have a terrible time making decisions in life. It all came to head one week when I had three different job offers and no clue which one to take. I resorted to putting the names of the companies in a hat, flipping a coin, calling every good friend I knew for advice and more. The deadline to make a decision was fast approaching. How did I solve it? A blown-out-tire forced me to choose the job that was the closest and easiest to place to make the commute. Pathetic, no? I vowed after that to work on … Continue reading

Adventures of a Beginning Couponer Part 4

Today I took my couponing skills for a test drive to my local Shaws supermarket. When we arrived at the store, Dylan and I went to pick out his bagel. He likes to chew on a bagel or a piece of fruit while we shop, so I always ask him when we get to the store which one he wants. He had just finished an apple before we left for the store, so I was not surprised that he wanted the bagel. Bagel in hand, we went about picking up the items on my list. As I had mentioned yesterday, … Continue reading

Are You Selfish or Selfless in Your Marriage?

Let’s face it…it’s in our nature to be selfish. And our society sure knows how to fuel that. We expect instant results, instant gratification and instant service. Just about anything we want is at our disposal. So we have to be careful that we don’t take that into our marriages. One important component to a happy, successful marriage is selflessness. But I’m afraid that it’s not something we see demonstrated very often, so we may be unsure what that exactly looks like. To be selfless is to be the opposite of selfish. So it might include giving in on some … Continue reading

Going High-Tech

In my opinion, it is nearly impossible to take a bad photo with a digital camera. With all the high-tech gadgetry built into deluxe digital picture-taking devices, you really have to go out of your way to take a bad shot. And when you do, there’s a good chance that it can be fixed thanks to photo-editing software. I have yet to snap an image that can’t be improved with a little Photoshop detail. While you don’t need to be a tech whiz to work a digital camera, it helps if you are not afraid to experiment with various buttons … Continue reading

A Wallet For Budgeting?

Have you set up a new budget for the New Year? Do you revise your budget as things in your life change? Maybe you think of budget as a four letter word. Budgeting and dieting are a lot alike. A diet restricts food intake and cuts out everything that we think of as fun food. That’s why diets don’t work. A lot of people view budgets in the same way. Everything that is a must-pay is added to the budget and there’s often no room for fun in an effort to get finances in order. How is a budget going … Continue reading

The Performing / Demonstrating Personality Type

The “Performer / Demonstrating” Personality Type, or the ESFP personality type, describes a person who is an Extrovert (E), who perceives the world through Sensing (S), who relies on their Feelings (F) about the people and circumstances involved in a given situation as a basis for decision making, and who views the world from the vantage point of being open to Perceiving (P) ideas that are brand new, and different from, their own. If you are an extrovert, you enjoy interacting with the outside world around you, as well as with the people in it. You thrive from this interaction, … Continue reading

Paying in Cash

What’s your currency? I remember back when Dr Phil’s show was still good and helpful, he’d talk about having a personal currency. He would insist that when you’re trying to get your children to comply, you have to find their currency. By knowing the child’s currency you were able to reward and punish. Dr Phil’s theory was that children would comply if the reward or loss was something valuable to the child. I don’t remember what company it is whose slogan was once: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. That slogan is along the same lines as Dr Phil’s … Continue reading

How Bargains Can Come Back to Bite You

Bargain shopping can be a boon to your budget. But if it is done in the wrong way, it can actually cost your money. Bargains can be a sneaky thief, silently robbing you of your hard earned money without you knowing it. Here is how to avoid the trap. Instant gratification When something is a bargain, it is hard to resist. Seeing an item that is 25 percent off helps you rationalize and feel good about having it today. Always take some time to think about a purchase, preferably 24 hours. This will help you better understand whether or not … Continue reading

Easy Christmas Cookie Recipes for Kids

After preparing a huge Thanksgiving meal you might not be motivated to get back into the kitchen to begin the monumental task of Christmas cookie baking just yet. However, as we all know, time flies and before you know it we’re halfway through the month and Christmas is knocking at our door. I haven’t fired up the oven just yet, but I have begun collecting recipes that I plan to make during my annual cookie baking marathon. This year (like last) I plan to devote an entire day baking with my young daughter. Last year we made sugar cookies, which … Continue reading