Holiday Shopping Etiquette

Some of us have already started our holiday shopping, and some of us have not. If you have been hitting the stores lately you may have noticed that they are busier than usual. They will get busier and busier as the season progresses. As we head out to the stores to spend our hard earned money, it is wise to keep things in perspective so that we can avoid holiday shopping stress for ourselves and also avoid causing more stress for others. In a season of giving, practicing good manners during holiday shopping is a way that we can spend … Continue reading

Holiday Shopping Strategy

It is official, holiday shopping season has begun. In my house, tis the season of scouting for deals and trying to give meaningful gifts that our friends and family will appreciate while spending as little as possible. Both my husband and I are active players in the holiday shopping game, he finances the venture and often hits the stores after he gets out of work in the hopes that he can snag some great gifts on clearance and I scour store ads and online ads for great prices on things that we were thinking of buying as gifts. Black Friday … Continue reading

The Temptation of Great After Holiday Deals 3

Did you see that Wal-Mart may be having a 75% off sale on Christmas items? How can you resist? Well, you might want to employ some strategies with the after holiday sales in order to prevent going into debt. Yesterday, I covered some ideas for just this. Click here if you missed either post: The Temptation of Great After Holiday Deals or The Temptation of Great After Holiday Deals 2 Today, I’ll wrap up with the last post in the series… In the store, the bowl scraper I was looking for was normally priced at $10. However, if I got … Continue reading

Who’s Ready to SHOP? –Some Holiday Gift Ideas For Kids

Have you heard the latest news? Wal Mart and Target are going all out this year, slicing prices in the name of competition…and profit. According to Wal Mart President and Ceo, Lee Scott, “We are implementing our most aggressive pricing strategy ever across core categories, such as toys and electronics.” What does this mean for you, the consumer? In short, better prices! It also means you’d better start searching your toy ads to see which retailer offers the best price before you buy. In case you thought it was too early to start shopping, rest assured that prices have been … Continue reading

Whew, I Almost Bought That! A Tip to Avoid Impulse Buying

I’ve got to stop checking my Facebook news feed, not because I have been spending too much time being distracted (although that is probably somewhat true), but because I keep seeing all of these special offers, such as the Lightening Deals (“liking” your favorite store pages is one way to see exclusive deals this holiday season). Yesterday I almost grabbed one. I actually added it to my cart. With one click, Amazon would have happily wrapped the thing up in the smiley box and send it straight to my door. It was a popular video game that I knew … Continue reading

Insurance For Black Friday

Are you ready for the shopping frenzy known as “Black Friday”? Don’t let the excitement make you confuse the store warranties with actual insurance coverage. Make sure you are calm before you drive, so you won’t get into an accident. Problems on Black Friday could result in insurance claims. It certainly feels as though Black Friday came early this year. Many retailers started revealing their Black Friday deals shortly after the trick-or-treaters returned home this Halloween. Since then, it seems like there have been extra, “early”, sales going on each and every weekend. Retailers are trying very hard to push … Continue reading

Black Thursday? Have Stores Gone Too Far?

This year, many stores are planning to open their doors late in the day on Thanksgiving in an attempt to lure Black Friday shoppers and their hard earned money into their stores. This move by retailers seems to have sparked a bit of an outrage among consumers and also among the employees of those stores. I love Black Friday and my husband and I have shopped on Black Friday every year for the past three years after we discovered how good the deals were. That said, I must agree with the employees and consumers that feel that starting sales on … Continue reading

When Do Items Go on Sale at the Grocery Store?

If you pay careful attention or know the tips, then you can predict when items will go on sale. This will help you to stock up and always get the absolutely lowest prices on all of your grocery items. What Day of the Month Is It? Grocery stores want to take advantage of the times when you have money but still get you to buy when money is running low. Therefore they employ a little strategy to make you want to shop at the store. At the beginning of the month, many stores put their name brand popular items on … Continue reading

You Get What You Pay For

This is my father in law’s justification to never buy cheap items. It took years to convince him that inexpensive does not always mean cheap. Some things have reduced prices because a new model has just been made. Other items have low prices because because they don’t come with alot of bells and whistles. is a new website that proves that you can buy things for less money, and get the true value of your money. There’s nothing worse than buying a less expensive item trying to be frugal only to have to replace it in a few months. … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: November 26th Through December 2nd

It is finally December. I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone by. It has been a year now, since I first started blogging here at in the Frugal Living Blog. A lot has happened in the world and in my own life. I continue to be in awe of anyone who practices a frugal lifestyle, and I have learned many different ways to save money. I can’t wait to learn even more. I hope that we can help each other in our efforts to save money and provide for our family. And now, here is the Frugal … Continue reading