Feeling out of control with your budget? A Hint

There are some days I just don’t like being on a budget. Today for instance. And yesterday, and the day before. Today I wanted to go spend some money at the bookstore. I don’t very often buy books, but when I do, watch out, I tend to purchase six on the same subject and devour them all. Right now I’m researching some fun creative projects and I just wanted info NOW! My perfect day would have been the bookstore and then to have hubby bring home some dinner. I didn’t do either of those. Instead I looked up some information … Continue reading

Hi, I’m Michelle and I’m a Budget Fudgeter.

I’ve been on a well deserved break for a while. Unfortunately, not blogging about money has put my well honed money budgeting habits on break as well. There is something very focusing about writing and blogging about money issues that makes me want to do better. I budget more carefully, watch my pennies, do without more, when I know I’ll be writing about my experiences in this blog. However not writing for the last couple of weeks has made my budgeting lackadaisical I’ve been lazy. Sure I still have my envelopes. One for grocery money. Another for play money and … Continue reading