Your Family as a Business

One of my dear Facebook friends lists herself as the Chaos Manager for her family. The family is listed as a company: Last Name, Inc. I love it. If you think about it, running a household and family is like running a business. The family has regular expenses – rent, mortgage, utilities, and groceries – and income. How have you got your family business planned? Do you have a monthly and yearly budget? Do you know exactly where all your family’s money is going? Do you know how much you have coming in from all sources? In order to run … Continue reading

Is Traveling Making You Fat?

If your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight in 2010, then you might want to stay away from airport restaurants. A new survey shows that most travelers are forced to ditch their healthy eating habits when on the road. Or more specifically, when traveling through the nation’s airports. When hunger strikes at the airport, you are typically at the mercy of fast food restaurants. Your food choices are limited to processed “convenience” items loaded with sodium, fat and empty calories. Sure, you could pack your own healthier options, like fresh fruit and a sandwich, but what parent is going … Continue reading

Mother of Octuplets Raises Questions About Parental Responsibility

Will it be Oprah, Diane Sawyer, or Barbara Walters? According to news reports, Nadya Suleman, the California woman who gave birth to eight babies last week, is currently deciding which big name TV interviewer she’ll sit down and chat with. Meanwhile, another report claims that the 33-year-old single mother of 14 is seeking $2 million from commercial sponsorship (she reportedly wants to hook up with Pampers) and other media interviews to help defray the cost of raising her eight babies and the other six children (all under the age of eight) that she already has. No doubt Nadya is going … Continue reading

Hot Tub Safety

Much to my delight, the hot tub at my apartment complex is open all year. I’ve been walking over about once a week for a warm, steamy soak… and I love it! But a hot tub can be dangerous if you aren’t careful. The main hazard with hot tubs and spas is drowning — just like any body of water. Make sure you know the depth of your hot tub before you head in. Don’t jump into a hot tub — they aren’t made for jumping and diving. It’s safest to tub with a buddy, rather than alone. When you … Continue reading

Author Interview – Laura Jensen Walker

I recently reviewed a poignant and touching book entitled “Reconstructing Natalie.” I’m delighted to bring you an interview with the author of that book, Laura Jensen Walker. Laura, your novel is the story of a young woman who undergoes a double mastectomy for breast cancer. You yourself are a breast cancer survivor. Was writing Natalie’s story difficult for you, or was it theraputic? Writing Natalie really wasn’t difficult because I’d already written a non-fiction book about my cancer experience a few years ago called ‘Thanks for the Mammogram! (Fighting Cancer with Faith, Hope & a Healthy Dose of Laughter)‘ so … Continue reading