Examining a Potential Health Insurance Plan

I have once again begun the quest to find affordable health insurance. This time, I am seeking a health plan that will cover only me. My husband has Medicare Part A, and will have Part B soon. We have no children. I am taking a close look a policy that appears to be one I can afford. Earlier this week, I used HealthCare.gov to try and find an affordable health insurance plan. You can use that website to narrow down a whole bunch of health insurance plans, in order to find one that you can, (hopefully), afford. To be honest, … Continue reading

Walmart Makes Changes to Employee Health Insurance

Walmart will be making changes to its employee health insurance plans. It appears that this will enable the corporation to save money on health care. Unfortunately, the cost of health insurance will increase for employees, and it will be harder for workers to be eligible for it. Walmart might be a good place to shop for people who are looking for low prices. In my opinion, though, Walmart is not the best place to find employment. I’ve never liked the idea of the strange “cheer” that they make workers do every day before the store opens. I also don’t like … Continue reading

Wells Fargo Makes Changes to Employee Health Insurance

Wells Fargo has decided to make some big changes to the health insurance plans that it offers it’s employees. The overall purpose is so bank will save money by spending less on health care. This leaves the people who work for Wells Fargo with some difficult choices. Starting next year, Wells Fargo is going to roll out a new employer sponsored health insurance plan. The new plan will require employees to do one of two things. They can put their own (pretax) dollars into a savings account. Or, the worker can pay a higher health insurance premium (and let Wells … Continue reading

2012 Presidential Candidates On Health Insurance

There will be a United States Presidential election in 2012. Many of the candidates who wish to run in this election have made that intention public. This election will focus on a variety of issues, but the biggest one is probably health insurance and health care reform. Here is a quick list of where each candidate stands on that issue. I think it would be appropriate to start this list with the current President of the United States, Barack Obama. He is a Democrat. His administration has helped to design and implement the current health care reform, including the Affordable … Continue reading

What’s Wrong With McDonald’s Health Insurance?

McDonald’s has been in the news recently when it announced that it was considering ending the health insurance benefits that it offers to it’s employees. Since then, the government and McDonald’s have come to an agreement that would allow McDonald’s to avoid having to comply with some upcoming health care regulations. This does not mean that the health insurance plan that McDonald’s offers provides good value to it’s employees. Some people have argued that having the mini-med health insurance that McDonald’s offers it’s workers is better than having no health insurance at all. But is it? Let’s take a closer … Continue reading

Free Health Care in Arizona for Single Moms

Barely scraping by and living from week to week, paycheck to paycheck can discourage even the most upbeat single mother. The rising cost of food and clothing, not to mention basic living expenses such as housing, heat, water, and other necessities uses up more than what you make in a week. Jockeying around checking and savings accounts becomes an art as you attempt to pay all of your bills, but there never seems to be enough money to go around. Luxuries are few and far between and at that you really cannot afford them at all, but you feel that … Continue reading

Flexible Spending Accounts

If you have access to a flexible spending account for medical or dependent care, you should be taking advantage of the tax savings. But, these accounts can be tricky… so let’s discuss them for a bit. A flexible spending account is set up through your employer. It is almost like a savings account, except it doesn’t earn interest. What is does is allow you to set aside money tax-free. This reduces your overall income reported on your tax statements. Depending on the amount of expenses you have, this can move you into a lower tax bracket or at the very … Continue reading

Save Money on Your Health Insurance

Health insurance seems to get more expensive every year. It also feels as though they are covering less each year. There are several things that you can do or consider in order to save money when it comes to health care. Your decisions really should be based on your personal situation in regards to you and your family’s health and financial condition. One option is to purchase insurance through your employer. This is a good option, because the insurance rate will not jump up if you become sick. It will increase as a group plan a little every year, but … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week In Review March 1- 5, 2007

Insurance Term Of The Week: The Insurance Application I am surviving surgery and getting back to the keyboard. It’s amazing how much control insurance companies have over the amount and type of medical treatment and care a person receives. I have always been confused when my doctors tell me they would like me to stay another day in the hospital, but because I am doing so well insurance won’t approve another day. The better a patient does, the less time they should need in the care of the hospital. There are of course always, exceptions to the rules and ways … Continue reading