Pushing for Publicly-Funded Preschool

If you missed President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address five months ago, you may be wondering why his recent trip to Illinois attracted so many leaders in the world of early education. Obama spent much of his trip to Fort Knox College on Wednesday reiterating the importance of his proposal to give American children a publicly-funded preschool education. The president unveiled his goal of providing quality early education for 4 year olds in his State of the Union address earlier this year and he is not backing down on his commitment. “If you think education is expensive, wait … Continue reading

It Always Seems to Revolve Around Funding

Public schools receive a certain amount of state funding for every student that is enrolled and that is part of a Special Education program. When students move to private schools, the funding goes with them. This could potentially influence a school district to push kids back into public schools, even in cases where it is not the best placement for a student. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that is binding in all states. Part of IDEA calls for a free appropriate public education that will be provided at no cost to parents. In short, … Continue reading

Summer Cash for Kids

What’s that saying: Kids and their money are soon parted? Okay, maybe it’s a fool and his cash, but you get the idea. My second grader would rather have her eyelashes yanked out than willingly take on extra chores around the house. However, the kid has expensive taste and just recently discovered that money does not grow on trees, or in Mommy’s wallet. Enter the summer job discussion. While my 7-year-old won’t be restocking shelves at Piggly Wiggly this summer, there are a slew of other money-making opportunities for her to take advantage of right here at home. If you … Continue reading

Whiz Kids

Tweens and teens get a bad for being irresponsible with their finances. Often, kids blow through cash like there is no tomorrow purchasing items that nearly always end up trashed, forgotten or consumed within a very short period of time. What’s more, in most cases, the money teens bleed through is earned by mom and dad. Instead of shedding blood, sweat and tears to earn a buck, many kids these days simply beg, whine or threaten their way to financial gain. Fortunately, not all teens perpetuate this stereotype. In fact, one 14-year-old is breaking the mold by making wise financial … Continue reading

Teaching Kids about Money

Do you give your child an allowance? Do they know how to save? Do they know how to earn? Money is one of those necessary evils of life so it is important that you teach your child the basics while they are young. Most kids get a little money here and there, whether it is from a weekly allowance or money from the tooth fairy, but do they know what to do with it? What do they really need to know about money and how do you teach it when you hardly have any money yourself? Here are a few … Continue reading

Kids and Money – What and When

One of the most valuable things that a parent can do is teach their children about money. If children are raised to understand how money works, they are likely to grow into financially aware adults who are able to make good financial decisions for themselves and their families. Of course, the big question is when to begin teaching them and what to teach them at each age and stage of their development. The earliest form of financial education for children happens without you even necessarily realizing that you are doing it. Children are very observant, and they see and hear … Continue reading

Funding Your Education as a Single Parent

Many single parents would do anything to be able to go back to school and finish their education. But it may not seem feasible. College is expensive and unfortunately tuition prices seem to constantly be on the rise, making it more and more of a challenge for people to finance their education, let alone single parents. If you are a single parent, chances are money is tight. Even with child support payments, it never seems to cover everything. Kids are expensive; whatever money you do have goes to meeting their everyday needs. If you are like most of us, there … Continue reading

Fun Financial Education for Kids

Allowance is a hot topic in my daughter’s second grade class. Last week, her school hosted a gigantic book fair and kids were given the opportunity to shop during recess. Of course, that meant administrators had to modify their “no money on school property” rule. For the fair’s three-day run, students were allowed to bring up to $40 in cash and keep it in their backpacks until it was time to shop. Naturally, my daughter begged to bring 40 bucks to school. “Do you have 40 dollars?” I asked. “No, but you can give me it,” she responded without hesitation. … Continue reading

Teaching Children Financial Literacy

It is only natural for parents to want their children to have an easier time of things when they become adults than they themselves have had. No parent wants his or her child to grow up, become independent, and then struggle financially. Fortunately, parents are in a position to teach children the fundamentals of finance so that they have a better chance of having that easier time that their parents wish for them. Financial literacy is not something that was taught in school when I was a student, at least not in much depth. In a class called “Personal and … Continue reading

Socially Conscious Kids Raise Money for Haiti

I don’t know how many of our readers are in or near Baltimore, but I thought this was such a touching news story that I would share it with everyone. As part of a private Catholic school, the students at St. Agnes School in Catonsville, MD have to wear a uniform to school every day. Every so often, they have a special “dress down” fundraiser where the students can pay $1 to wear regular clothes. However, for this January 15th’s dress down day, the students were told the monies would be going to Haiti relief and they didn’t have a … Continue reading