Your Caloric Bank Account

Whether you watch your carbohydrate intake or your fat intake, one thing remains true for all of us. If the number of calories we take in are less than the number of calories we use then we’ll lose weight. Carbohydrate watchers may choose to eat higher fat foods that fill them up quickly and allow them to feel satisfied and eat less while others who don’t have any trouble with starch may choose to eat foods lower in fat or completely fat free and just eat more of them. If you are trying to lose weight, one good way to … Continue reading

Organizing your Files

Part of good money management is staying organized. Do you have a good filing cabinet? If not, head to your local store or yard sale, buy yourself a sturdy filing cabinet and some good files – and let’s get organized! Keeping track of old bills, receipts, warranties, product information, etc. will help save you money, time, and your sanity in the process. For some of us, this is simple… but for many of us, we have no idea how to get started. The following is a list of folders you should definitely have in your filing system. 1. Budgets and … Continue reading

Do You Keep a Running Total of Your Account?

Do you keep a running total of your expenditures for the month? Do you keep a running total in your checking account, or do you guessitmate what you should have after your additional bills come out? It can be time consuming to make sure that you keep a running total of the amount of money you have available to you, but it is worth the effort. Here are five reasons why: 1) It will save you money if you do not overdraw your account. You will not need to pay insufficient fund fees to your bank, or the places you … Continue reading

Four Ways to Track Your Expenses

Do you track your expenses? This can be a lot of work. It is important to do however. You do have several options available to you, when it comes to tracking your expenses. One reason that you should track your spending is that it is difficult to find where you are overspending, if you are not aware of where the money is going. Here are several options available to you: 1) You can keep a written ledger of all your expenses. “Rich on Any Income” has a great program that you can do this on. It fits directly into your … Continue reading

Obtaining Guardianship for My Autistic Son

Now that my son Kyle is sixteen, his IEP meetings are rather routine. While I talk with his teacher and therapists, Kyle roves about the room, smiling, and making occasional comments. At his most recent meeting we discussed his progress—how he’s been improving his eye contact and social behaviors, how he loves to cook, and how he can balance a simple checkbook. We excitedly congratulated him on his first public speech—which he gave in his communications class in front of typical students. Before his speech day, we had written the text of the speech together, and he was able to … Continue reading

The Car as a ‘Second Office’

We often talk about the joys of flexibility as home business owners—all the ways that we can take our laptops or work to the coffee shop, park, or other location and work while we are doing other things. Recently I have talked with a couple of home business owners who confessed that their “office away from home” is actually their car… If you are a busy parent who is trying to build a home business while raising your children, you may feel like you basically live out of your car. Perhaps that is where you find yourself eating meals (breakfast … Continue reading

Monthly Budget and Biweekly Paychecks

It can be difficult to make a monthly budget when you are paid on a weekly or biweekly basis. You may find that you have difficulty paying all your bills that are due at the beginning of the month or that you do not have money for food the week that rent is due. Here are a few ways to deal with this dilemma. 1) First you should divide all your bills by four and then set aside that amount each week. The envelope system or envelope system software works really well for this. If you are on a cash … Continue reading

How to Budget with a Fluctuating Income

Many families have to deal with an income that changes each month. Whether mom works a seasonal job for extra money, dad is paid on commission, or they both run a business where employee payroll is doled out first, there are many situations where a family’s income is different each month. How should you budget in this type of uncertainty? The key is determining a base amount to rely on and start with as your foundation. This dollar figure will depend on the type of income situation you are in. However, the important piece is finding a base monthly income … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: July 23rd Through July 29th

We’ve covered a wide range of money saving subjects and frugal ideas this week. From summer travel to organizing your pantry, you’re sure to find some practical tips that will have you saving money right away! Missed an article or two or want to review? No problem. Here is your frugal living week in review for July 23rd through July 29th. July 23rd Find Your Reuse Inspiration I love it when I come across ideas for reusing unusual things. For example, this summer, I posted an article about reusing inflatable toys. I think it is so inspiring when these types … Continue reading

Money Week in Review June 3-June 18

We have covered several topics in the last few weeks. There are a wide variety of articles available to help you. Favorite Money Savings Tips shares five easy ways to save money. This article covers everything from groceries to gas. You can learn to make the most of your credit cards in Negotiating Credit Card Rewards. Debbie offers some great tips to help you ear better rewards. Have You Considered Downsizing? discusses the changes that you may make in order to live comfortably both now and in the future. This article focuses on why you may change and specific areas … Continue reading