A Slow, Steady Drip

I’ve recently seen a television commercial that shows people throwing away food as soon as they’ve purchased it, rationalizing that they’re just going to throw it away later, so they might as well take care of that now. The commercial then goes on to state that we throw away around $500.00 of food every year because of spoilage. That really rang true for me—I clean out my fridge weekly, and tend to find all kinds of little things in there that shouldn’t be consumed by human mouths. I would estimate that yes, I do throw away about that much food. … Continue reading

Do Your Lifestyle Choices Affect Your Budget?

Have you considered how your lifestyle affects your finances? I am not referring just to eating out, spending money on new clothing every month or keeping up with the Joneses. I am talking about your lifestyle in regards to your health choices and the way you care for yourself and your family. Here are three specific areas that you may consider evaluating. Of course you ultimately will make the decisions about whether or not you feel that you need to change in these areas. 1) One area that really eats into the budget is smoking. The amount that you spend … Continue reading

Finacial Pitfalls: Gym Memberships (That You Never Use)

One major financial mistake that several people make is joining a gym at the beginning of the new year. There is nothing wrong with joining a gym, if you are going to use the membership. If not you usually sign up for a year contract that is difficult to break, and you end up wasting money that you could use elsewhere. You can run into the same difficulty when you are considering joining a weight loss group as well. Here are five things to consider before you sign that gym contract. 1) You should try out the gym first and … Continue reading