Meet a Blogger – Debbie Vasen!

Today our featured blogger is Debbie Vasen. Debbie, I haven’t had the chance to visit with you before now – thank you for taking the time to join me. I’m excited to get to know you better. How long have you blogged for I started around May of 2007, so about nine months. What topics do you blog about? Currently, I just blog about Money. What is your favorite thing about blogging for From a writer’s standpoint, I like that it keeps me writing every day. As far as the Families website goes, I love the connection … Continue reading

Budgets and Diets

For me, a budget is much like a diet. You start off motivated with a new plan and then it loses its luster and you are back off of it. Some call it yo-yo dieting, in this case, we will call it yo-yo budgeting. Whether it is a diet or a budget, the general concept is to control calories or spending enabling you to lose weight or manage your money. One of the reasons so many diets fail is the initial excitement wears off and the process becomes too time consuming. This can also be true of a budget. The … Continue reading

Envelopes Budgets

A friend of mine came up with this simple budgeting scheme and I just had to share. It is a perfectly easy way to plan your expenditures each month and ensure you stick to them. I call it an Envelopes Budget. The process is simple. Start by tracking your expenses each month to get an idea of where your money is going (this is good to do anyway!) Once you have a basic plan, put a budget into place. Start by creating large categories for each expense and an appropriate budget amount, examples would be: *Groceries *Entertainment *Utilities *Gas *Rent … Continue reading

Save Money on Paper

As we move into a time of higher gas prices and a rising inflation, we all need to focus more on watching our spending. Taking a more frugal approach when using items in our life will help us with our budgets overall. Given this, today I would like to highlight some ways to save on paper. Paper is a huge part of our lives – bags, drawing, notes and more. Whether you just use a ton at home or you own a business, finding some key ways to save on this item will help us all reduce a common expense. … Continue reading

Money Week in Review June 3-June 18

We have covered several topics in the last few weeks. There are a wide variety of articles available to help you. Favorite Money Savings Tips shares five easy ways to save money. This article covers everything from groceries to gas. You can learn to make the most of your credit cards in Negotiating Credit Card Rewards. Debbie offers some great tips to help you ear better rewards. Have You Considered Downsizing? discusses the changes that you may make in order to live comfortably both now and in the future. This article focuses on why you may change and specific areas … Continue reading

Oh Oh. I’ve Got Too Many Bills.

My husband and I just spent a wad of cash remodeling our kitchen. Actually, I wish it was cash. We spent that good ol’ American money called credit card and now we are paying the price. We have to go on a budget. Hubby and I have been married a long time. Twenty five years in fact, and we’ve talked a good talk about budgets. Every few years we would sit down together and actually write one out, but then something important comes up. Like a new outfit for a wedding or new bike shoes for hubby. We’d spend the … Continue reading