Happy Kids On The Cheap

With all of the expenses of raising a family, parents are often searching for ways to save money wherever they can. One area of the family budget where spending can often be reduced quite a bit is entertainment. Parents often believe that they need to spend more money to keep their children entertained and occupied than they actually do. Children are naturally curious, and often parents are pleasantly surprised by how simple things can capture their imaginations and hold their attention for hours. My favorite example of low or no cost family fun is a trip to the playground. Depending … Continue reading

Things That It Makes Sense To Buy In Bulk

If you are looking for ways to save money, buying certain items in bulk can be one way to trim your household budget. While it is true that a membership to Sam’s, Costco, BJ’s, or another wholesale club does cost money there are savings to be had if you shop wisely. For most families, it does not make sense to buy all of the groceries in bulk. For example, is the double mega pack of Honey Nut Cheerios really a good deal of your kids don’t like eating the same cereal for breakfast every day for a month? There are … Continue reading

Does Budgeting Actually Cost You More Money?

Do you have a budget? Everyone says it is the best way to take control of your spending. Once you have spent your allotted amount for food, or gas, you’re done. Unfortunately it doesn’t always work like that. I read a study recently that said that people who have a budget can spend as much as 50% more than they were planning. This is said to be because budgeting starts in your mind. You are thinking constantly about what you can and cannot spend and that is what causes you to spend more. Many people who say they have a … Continue reading

Bills & Online Banking

Have you noticed that your billing statements often arrive quite close to their due dates? During the busy holiday season, as the post office is more strapped for time, many customers are finding their statement arriving in such little time before they are due. For someone living from paycheck to paycheck, this can be tricky for budgeting. In addition, if you travel frequently or don’t have time to review all your monthly statements when they arrive, you may find yourself paying late, thus incurring late fees or interest payments. The Fair Credit Billing Act does set standards on when companies … Continue reading

Marriage Fights: Money

Money fights are one of the biggest problems in marriages today. Financial counselor Dave Ramsey teaches that this is because how we spend our money reflect our values, and whether or not we have the same goals. For instance, if one spouse values saving for retirement while the other would rather have a new boat now (and spends the money intended to go into the retirement account), there is an obvious conflict. And since a large portion of LDS families are larger than the national average, with more stay-at-home moms (and thus tighter budgets), it is easy to understand why … Continue reading

My horoscope and deferring spending

Every morning I grab my coffee and sit at the computer, slowly waking up. I read my blog roll, – the adoption blogs and money blogs and frugal living blogs – and think about what I’ll be writing about today. Today inspiration came in the form of my horoscope! There it was, my horoscope on my home page, glaring back at me in huge Times Roman Print. (I have the print setting on large) In a very authoritative voice the astrologer informed me that although I am on the right track financially, I will have a setback money wise today. … Continue reading