Protecting Yourself from a Debt Relief Company

If you are seriously in debt, you may need the help of a debt relief company. These companies promise to get the creditors off of your back, negotiate for you, act as a shield of protection, and guide you to the right way to pay off that debt. Unfortunately, for a majority of these companies, the real goal is to scam you out of any remaining assets that you might have. Here is what you need to know and need to look for in a debt relief company, in order to protect yourself. First of all, why would these companies … Continue reading

Foster & Adoptive Parents Support Groups – Part 1

We joined the Foster and Adoptive Parents support group close to us in our county before we were licensed. We knew we were going to need not only the continuing education credits, but the support of other foster parents. We were new and everything we’d been told in our training is that parenting foster children is different. We would not be able to talk about parenting our children with our friends the way we would if they were our own children. The parenting issues may seem the same, but they’re not. The children have had life experiences beyond what they … Continue reading

A Big Difference for Adopting Parents: the Adoption Tax Credit Renewed and Expanded

Whatever you think of the new health care legislation, adoptive parents will realize one benefit: the Adoption Tax Credit, which was set to expire this year, will be renewed through December 21, 2011. The maximum reimbursable limit for adoption-related expenses was raised from $12, 150 to $13, 170. In addition, the Adoption Tax Credit will benefit families who have no taxes or a very small amount of taxes due, because it is now refundable. The credit lessens for adopters with income of over$ 180,000 per year, and continues to lessen as incomes go up until it is eventually phased out. … Continue reading

DIY Credit Card Debt Reduction

Is most of your debt with credit cards? Do you have lots of cards with large balances? Are you having trouble making your minimum payments? Credit card debt is one of the worst kinds of debt. It is considered empty debt, as you often have little to show for it. With a mortgage or car loan, at least you have the house or car. Credit card debt tends to sneak up on you with lots of little purchases. This is especially true these days where almost all businesses accept credit cards. If you want to get out of credit card … Continue reading

Do It Your Self Credit Repair

Given our whole discussion on credit counseling and credit repair companies, you may wonder… can I just do it myself? The answer is… absolutely! Everything a credit repair company will do, you can do yourself instead. The advantage of DIY credit repair and debt management is you save yourself money AND prevent the hassles of finding a reputable company. Before you launch into this… there is one key thing to consider. Ask yourself seriously, how did I get into this credit and debt mess to begin with? You will have a lot of trouble with doing it yourself, if you … Continue reading

Choosing a Credit Counseling Agency

This month I have been discussing credit counseling services. In Do you Need Credit Counseling?, I gave some possible benefits to credit counseling services. Then in Credit Repair Scams, I gave some possible pitfalls of credit counselors. Today I wanted to offer some help on how to find a good credit counseling agency if you have decided to take the leap for help. Unfortunately, the credit counseling industry is full of scams and poorly run companies. The rules that govern them can vary greatly from state to state, plus they are confusing and disorganized. Relying on the law to help … Continue reading

Credit Repair Scams

If you are on the hunt for ways to improve your credit, be very careful of credit repair scams. Anyone that makes big promises about erasing your debt or any guarantees of quickly improving your score… be wary. In the world of credit and debt, if something seems too good to be true, it most likely is. Debt reduction and credit repair take dedication and hard work. There are no quick fixes. The Federal Trade Commission monitors and regulates the credit repair businesses. Due to good consumer watchdogs, many have been shut down. Still, it pays to be very careful… … Continue reading

Do you Need Credit Counseling?

Are you having trouble with debt? Do you have a hard time saying no to your credit card? If so, there are times it can be useful to have the assistance of others. Debt and credit counseling is a huge industry. Due to this, it has good and bad along with it. If you truly feel out of control or that you have no hope, then it is time to consider counseling. Many people are addicted to spending and credit cards are simply fuel for the fire. Credit counseling can help you negotiate with creditors as well as help you … Continue reading

Stemming Credit Card Debt

Do you need to get a hold on your credit card expenses? Credit cards are one of the leading causes for financial problems. I can’t say enough about paying them off as soon as possible and not racking up new debt. Here are some ways to get the outward money flow under control. Many experts tell you to freeze that credit card in the freezer or leave it at home so you won’t be tempted to use to to spend, spend, spend. But, what if you have an emergency that requires a credit card while you are out? Perhaps your … Continue reading

Credit Counseling

Do you think you need to go to a credit counselor? The first step before you decide is to run a budget or plan to help you get out of debt on your own. If you can’t see any easy solution, a credit counselor can help – just be sure to go to the right one! Unfortunately there are more than a 1000 different credit counseling services in the United States, and not all of them are actually helpful. These kinds of services are geared just toward unsecured debt, like credit lines and credit cards. If your main problem is … Continue reading