Debt and Marriage: How It is Tough to Love When You Owe

Many couples enter into a marriage with debt already in hand. Others accumulate debt together. Either way, nurturing a loving relationship can be hard when debt is hanging over your head. In fact, according to a study by Jeffrey Dew at Utah State University, couples who reported disagreeing about finance once a week were over 30 percent more likely to get divorced than couples who reported disagreeing about finances only a few times a month. Another inference can be made from this study: there is a whole lot of disagreement about money out there. Debt is a source of contention. … Continue reading

How a Road Trip Can Save You Money… and Your Relationship

Newsflash: A road trip with your spouse can help you save money on couples’ counseling… and potentially an expensive divorce. Despite what you saw when Oprah and Gayle did it, a new study finds that extended periods of time in a car with a friend or significant other can be good for your relationship. YourTango and Ford Motor Company just released the results of a poll that queried more than 1,000 people who had driven long distances with a spouse or significant other. According to the poll, 84 percent said that the road trip experience strengthened their relationship. The bulk … Continue reading

When Should You Review Your Insurance Policies?

The insurance policy that you bought, several years ago, might not be adequate today. If your life has changed, then so have your insurance needs. State Farm has some advice about five critical times to review your insurance. Reviewing your insurance policies may sound boring and tedious. This is probably why many people avoid it. Keep in mind that if your life has changed then your current insurance policies might be inadequate. In some cases, reviewing your policies can reveal that you are paying for more coverage than you need. You might find a way to save some money. State … Continue reading

Giving Up Your Dreams

There are so many challenges to being a single parent. One of the biggest is the loss of your dreams. When we get married we all think that this is the person we will grow old with, the person who will share all of life’s ups and downs. The person who will support us when it comes to fulfilling out dreams. It’s hard to let go of that. The thing that still makes me the saddest is knowing that I no one else feels like I do about my daughter. There is no one to share the joys of her … Continue reading

Making Your Dreams Into Reality

As children we are told to dream big. The equal rights movement showed us that as women, we could do anything we put our minds to. Women like Florence Nightengale, Clara Barton, Amelia Earhart, and Sandra Day O’Connor have paved the way and given us hope to reach those dreams. As we become mothers, those dreams are often put on hold to care for our children. As single mothers, those dreams may seem almost unattainable, as you are working to support your children on your own. At the end of the day you are far too exhausted to think about … Continue reading

My Dreams For My Child Are The Same As Yours

There is so much talk constantly about those poor children growing up in single parent homes. Yes, for some children it is a really bad environment, but for most of those children it would be a bad situation even if they had both parents at home. Many times, the children of single parents who are in the worst situations are living with drug or alcohol addictions or poverty. As a society we need to help those children and those families. All of us, single or married, parent or not, should do what we can to help each other. Sometimes children … Continue reading

How to Save Money on an Engagement Ring

Many couples today are choosing to forego the elaborate engagement ring and put the savings toward starting their lives together, such as toward the down payment of a home, getting rid of debt such as student loans, or saving for future children who might come along. But just because you are foregoing the elaborate part doesn’t mean that you have to give up the ring. In fact, you can use a couple of different strategies to get a nice ring and have your savings too. Generally, it isn’t the setting that costs the bulk of the money on an engagement … Continue reading

Money Really Doesn’t Grown on Trees

One of the hardest things about being a single mom is having to say no so much. When you get divorced you learn quickly that if you don’t stand your ground the kids will walk all over you. Even if you’ve been the softie in the past you learn to stand up and say no. The kids don’t like it, and at first it may seem to make things worse, but once they learn you mean it, life just gets better. It’s always made me sad to have to tell Hailey no about things she wants that I just can’t … Continue reading

Are You Getting All Your Tax Deductions?

Tomorrow is April 1st. For those of us who have put off doing our taxes, the next two weeks will be a race to the deadline. Now where exactly did I put all of those medical bills? Talk about increasing your stress! As a single parent there are many ways you can benefit when you do your taxes. Many divorced couples take turns claiming the kids each year, this can make it a little tougher when it’s not your year to claim them. However, when you can claim them you benefit not only from their deduction but also because you … Continue reading

Single Parenthood for the Rich and Famous

Isn’t it nice to know that Madonna struggles as a single parent too? Excuse me while I go in the other room and scream! I may be a little bitter about it but if I hear one more extremely wealthy woman complain about how hard it is to juggle single motherhood and her career I think my head is going to explode. I wonder how many nights Madonna has walked the floor with a teething infant or been woken up multiple times by a toddler with night terrors and then had to take that same tired, cranky child to daycare … Continue reading