Debit Card Risks

If you are looking to put the brakes on out of control spending habits, financial experts recommend slicing and dicing your credit cards and using a debit card or cash to purchase necessities. Debit cards make it easy to keep track of spending. Since the card is automatically denied if you don’t have the cash in your account to cover the cost of the item you are purchasing, it’s impossible to buy things you cannot afford. Unfortunately, debit cards are not perfect. While they may look identical to credit cards, they don’t come with the same features. For example, if … Continue reading

My Three Favorite Finance Websites

The internet can be a great source for information about financial matters, if you know where to look. Whether you are looking for ways to save more and spend less or you need advice on a particular topic such as retirement planning or business finance you can find the information you need online. Choosing a finance themed blog or two to read on a regular basis can be a great way to boost your financial literacy, too. Here are a few resources that I have found helpful for various financial topics: Kiplinger’s Personal Finance – A very well established personal … Continue reading

Facts about home invasion And Protecting Your Home and Family.

. It’s seems like the news reports are full of more and more stories of home invasions. There has always been a risk of burglary and most homeowner insurance policies cover the losses of a burglary. Burglars usually hit during the day when everyone is busy and the house is empty. Burglars tend to choose a different house when they see an alarm system, strong locks and doors, and barred windows. Insurance companies will often offer a discount when homeowners have these things in place. A burglar will usually run away if the homeowner should come home or be inside … Continue reading