Kids and Money – What and When

One of the most valuable things that a parent can do is teach their children about money. If children are raised to understand how money works, they are likely to grow into financially aware adults who are able to make good financial decisions for themselves and their families. Of course, the big question is when to begin teaching them and what to teach them at each age and stage of their development. The earliest form of financial education for children happens without you even necessarily realizing that you are doing it. Children are very observant, and they see and hear … Continue reading

Finances, Work and Marriage

Who is the main financial planner in your marriage? Is it you or your spouse? According to Nancy Gibbs in her article What Women Want Now, 65% of women cite themselves as being the family’s main financial planner. 71% labeled themselves the ’family accountant.’ Mediamark Research and Intelligence tends to back up those claims saying women in the make 75% of the buying decision in home in the USA. I wonder is it any different in Australia or the U.K. Anyone care to comment? Despite the recession and economic downturn many women have more control over money than ever before. … Continue reading

When Family and Friends Are Not Supportive

Last week, I wrote a blog about when a partner is not supportive during pregnancy. Today, I read in our forums that one of our members is having problems with family and friends not being supportive, so I decided to address that issue separately. Sometimes it helps to keep in mind that family and friends always seem to have something to say. It starts almost as soon as you meet someone and it starts looking serious. Then they want to know when you are getting engaged. Eventually, you get engaged and they want to know when you will get married. … Continue reading

Do Your Finances Change Once You Have a Baby?

Once you have children your entire life changes drastically. The way you handle your finances is one way you will find yourself changing. When you are suddenly responsible for the welfare of a child, it becomes much more essential to manage your money responsibly so that you can provide for him. It becomes much more important to be able to provide the necessities of life and some of the luxuries. It is important that you set and maintain a list of priorities in your life financial. If you stick to this list, you will find that you will be able … Continue reading

Do Your Lifestyle Choices Affect Your Budget?

Have you considered how your lifestyle affects your finances? I am not referring just to eating out, spending money on new clothing every month or keeping up with the Joneses. I am talking about your lifestyle in regards to your health choices and the way you care for yourself and your family. Here are three specific areas that you may consider evaluating. Of course you ultimately will make the decisions about whether or not you feel that you need to change in these areas. 1) One area that really eats into the budget is smoking. The amount that you spend … Continue reading

Children, Finances and Your Choices

One of the most difficult aspects when it comes to being a parent and your finances are the trade-offs that you will have to make. It can be difficult because you want to provide the best opportunities for your children, and in some instances that can involve a lot of money. Additionally you may feel torn because you are not giving your children the quality of time that you feel they deserve. Your career choice may also be affected by your decision to have a family. You may choose to take a less competitive job so that you can spend … Continue reading

Connect With Your Kids

As a single parent there is a lot that needs to be done in a day. Depending on you, your situation, and your choices, you need to get up, get your morning routine done, whatever that may be, get your children up, and possibly get them ready for school or day care, get them to school or daycare, go to work whether it be at a company or your own business, clean the house, go to school, homeschool or help with homework, make tasty healthy meals for you and your children, get them to and from extra curricular activities, pay … Continue reading

Does Your Current Phase in Life Affect Your Money Management Choices?

As you consider money management it is important to realize that life runs in phases. Your needs and planning will need to be adjusted according to the phase that you are currently in. Recognizing these phases and your responsibilities while in these phases will help you to plan for a more secure future. The first phase is that of a young professional or worker. In this phase you should work on getting out of debt. It is also a good idea to begin saving for retirement aggressively at this phase of life. The more you save now the less you … Continue reading

Would Your Family Survive Without You?

Our family went to a local amusement park for the 4th of July celebration. While standing in the various lines with our children I noticed a man who was clearly hurting, sad, and appeared very lonely. He hardly smiled watching his three young children enjoy the day. At one point while standing in one of the lines we had a conversation. The man told me that just before Christmas his wife suffered a brain aneurysm and suddenly died at the age of 31, leaving him to raise their children alone. He said, “I never stopped to think about the financial … Continue reading

8 Things Kids Need to Know about Money

It is never too early to start teaching your children about money. While many parents shy away from discussing financial issues with their kids, this can be one of the biggest mistakes that they make. Instilling good habits and a basic understanding about how finances work can give your child an edge that will stay with him or her for a lifetime. 1. There is a difference between the things that you want and the things that you need. Wants versus needs can be a tough concept for kids to understand, but teaching them that real necessities must be met … Continue reading