Reflections on Money and Sress

It is often said that money does not buy happiness. While I agree in large part with this statement, I also disagree with it a little. It seems to me that some amount of money is makes it easier for a person to get through their days without experiencing the stress that comes along with worrying about whether all of the bills will get paid that month. There is a certain peace of mind that comes when a person is able to know that their basic necessities like housing, food, electricity, telephone, and heat are provided for. If there are … Continue reading

Spend Less, Eat More

With the holidays fast approaching now is the time to review your food budget to adjust for upcoming celebrations. Whether you are hosting extended family or you’ve been asked to bring a dish to pass for a holiday potluck, it helps to find ways to stretch your food dollar. One of the best ways I’ve found to feed the masses on a budget is to skip the steak and opt for chicken. Save the fancier meats for the main holiday meal and use chicken to feed friends and family on the nights that precede or follow the celebratory meal. Preparing … Continue reading