What Are Your Thoughts On Money?

Many of us do not usually take a step back and think about the thoughts that we have about money. Each of us thinks about money many times as we navigate our way through each day. We stop at the gas station and realize that the cost keeps going up and up. We then wonder whether we should cut back on driving or just figure out how to accommodate the extra cost somewhere in our already thinly-stretched budget. At meal times, we decide whether we will dine out or eat at home – each of those choices involves spending money, … Continue reading

Celebrity Money Blunders

Celebrities. Love them or hate them, there’s just something irresistible about them. I think that one of the major things that is so appealing about celebrities is that the details of their daily lives are often made available to the public. When we read stories about celebrities, we realize that even though they may seem larger than life when they are on-screen at the movies or on stage at a rock concert, they are only human just like we are. Having fame and the fortune that often accompanies it is not a one-way ticket to financial bliss. In fact, sometimes … Continue reading