Celebrating Little Victories and Advancements

Family life can be somewhat lacking in major breakthroughs—especially when it comes to a child’s developmental stages. I’ve learned over the years that wholesale changes are few and far between and that it is the little advancements, the little developmental steps and leaps that I need to cling to and celebrate (mostly just to keep me from feeling like my kids will be living with me until their forty!)… As example, this past weekend, my youngest son was actually up at a reasonable hour asking if we couldn’t have a “family breakfast” on Sunday. Now this might seem pretty common … Continue reading

Celebrating the Small Victories

Are you taking time to celebrate the small victories on your path to financial fitness? It is important to acknowledge the small steps that you are taking each day to save yourself money. It may seem insignificant to others, but every penny that you save will benefit you down the road. Here are some small victories that you may want to celebrate: Cooking dinner at home. This may seem simple, but to many of us, this is huge. It is a big step in saving money, and the more you do it, the more you will save. If you are … Continue reading

Why Do You Spend Money?

Why do you spend money? This is an important question to ask yourself because it really determines how you make your financial decisions. If you have a spending problem it is important to get to the root of the problem. You may need to seek professional help if you are a true compulsive shopper. You may need to cut up your credit cards if this is a big problem for you. I have listed four unhealthy reasons why people spend money and ways to address them. 1) One common reason that people spend money is that they are depressed and … Continue reading

Are You Experiencing Budget Burnout?

It is very easy to become burned out when it comes to budgeting. This problem magnifies when one spouse is a budgeter and the other is not. This can create a tension in the relationship, because one spouse is constantly asking the other if there is money to spend this or that or even worse just randomly spending the money on unexpected things. So how do you deal with budget burnout? One way to help avoid is to have both spouses plan the budget. It is important that you set up a realistic budget that you are both comfortable with. … Continue reading

Do You Owe More Than Your Annual Salary?

Are you overwhelmed by your debt? Is your debt, excluding your first mortgage, greater than your annual income? Are you barely able to make the minimum payment on your credit cards? Do you feel like even with an aggressive payment plan, it will take you several years to be debt free? It can be quite frustrating to look at your debt and suddenly realize just how much you really do owe. Just the thought of owing more than you make in a year can be quite daunting. It is important to realize that even those with large amounts of debt … Continue reading

Comparing the Value of Your Things to Your Time

How do you value things? This can be one way that can help you if you are constantly overspending in one area. It gives you an easy comparison of what something is worth to you. You can break it down into whatever form that you want to and then make the comparison to decide if the money you are spending is worth it. My husband measures everything in comparison to the value of a video game. He plays video games to relax. He purchases one about every two months, so it is not a common purchase. When we are spending … Continue reading

Changing Expectations

If you are having difficulties with your finances or if you are always focusing on what you do not have you may need to change your expectations. It is important to realize exactly what your expectations are and whether or not they are realistic financially speaking. Not everyone is going to be able to afford a new car every three years and a big new house. You may not always be able to go on the nicest vacations. It can be difficult to realize that your expectations are not realistic. It is important to realize that life comes in phases. … Continue reading

Overwhelmed By Your Finances?

You may be in a financial situation where you feel like you are getting nowhere. You may be strapped with overwhelming debt payments and no matter what you do, you only seem to be able to make the minimum payments. Or you may be trying to save money for retirement or a down payment on a house, and the measly hundred dollars a month doesn’t seem to be adding up very fast. It can be very discouraging to be in a situation like this. While you may feel like it is the end of the world. It is important to … Continue reading