Capping Christmas Spending

If there is any time of the year when people tend to bleed through money it’s the holiday season. Fortunately, you don’t have to seek out an emergency transfusion if you play your cards right. When preparing your household budget for the holidays remember to be creative. You don’t need to spend an arm and a leg to lavish your loved ones with unique gifts. If you plan ahead and eliminate the temptation to purchase a slew of last minute gifts, you can save plenty of green. Procrastinating around the holidays typically comes with a hefty price tag, as retailers … Continue reading

Do You Have a Holiday Budget?

According to the American Consumer Credit Council, the average American spends nearly $1,000 at Christmas. Even during tough economic times that total doesn’t waver much. For some reason, people feel the need to show their love for family and friends by spending money on them during the holidays. Financial experts frown upon this practice and are encouraging cash strapped Americans to reduce their holiday spending by 30 to 50 percent this year. In addition, the money gurus are imploring people to set a budget for holiday gifts and entertainment and stick with it. Have you created a holiday budget? Some … Continue reading

Holiday Shopping Etiquette

Some of us have already started our holiday shopping, and some of us have not. If you have been hitting the stores lately you may have noticed that they are busier than usual. They will get busier and busier as the season progresses. As we head out to the stores to spend our hard earned money, it is wise to keep things in perspective so that we can avoid holiday shopping stress for ourselves and also avoid causing more stress for others. In a season of giving, practicing good manners during holiday shopping is a way that we can spend … Continue reading