Farmers Market Season is Coming Soon

If you have ever thought about selling home grown fruits, vegetables, or herbs or home made items like jams, canned goods, and baked goods at your local farmer’s market, it is time to decide whether this will be the year. Although the air is still chilly and there is still plenty of snow on the ground, farmer’s market vendors and organizers are beginning to get things in order for the upcoming market season. The markets here in Vermont do not open until mid – May, but there is much to do between now and then. The first thing that you … Continue reading

A New Way To Create a Family

We certainly live in interesting times. The traditional family is not what it used to be and we’ve adjusted. Now someone has come up with a new way to be a family. It’s called Modamily. It’s like a dating website but instead of going there to find your life partner you build a profile in order to find someone with the goal of having and co parenting a child together without the normal formalities. Is it just me or is this a little strange? I know there are women who choose to become single mothers for many reasons, maybe they … Continue reading

Foods to Help Prevent Diabetes

Since diabetes runs in my family, I am trying to do everything I can to avoid getting it. Diabetes statistics in the U.S. are staggering. Almost 26 million adults and children have diabetes. And, even more frightening, 79 million are pre-diabetic like myself. I’ve preached about how exercise and diet are great ways to starve off diabetes as long as possible, but there are also some foods that can help fight it. Bean Beans are a great way to raise your blood sugar levels very slowly because they are considered high-quality carbohydrates. And think of how many you have to … Continue reading

Barnes & Noble has a Sale on Former Bestsellers

Reading is a favorite pastime of millions of people. There is nothing like settling down with a favorite book, or a new book that you have been dying to read, and diving into the story. Often, the new bestseller that you had your eye on is simply too expensive, and many of us end up waiting until the book is less popular before we buy it. If you have been waiting on a book that was once a bestseller to come down in price, now is the time to shop at Barnes & Noble. They are having a sale on … Continue reading

Should I Quit or Use Childcare?

The decision to quit a job or pay for childcare goes far beyond just finances. Deciding on the person who will care for your kids is an emotional one and whether a parent wants to work can go beyond just the need for money. Either way, it can be important to evaluate which would cost your family more – childcare or unemployment. Then, at least you can use that information as part of your decision making process. Typically childcare is more expensive for babies and toddlers. It begins to drop once children are preschool age and then even more when … Continue reading

Cruise Ship Cabins—Whose Is Best?

Years ago if you were to ask me if it was worth spending extra money to upgrade from a standard inside stateroom to a deluxe cabin, I would have rolled my eyes and probably muttered something like: “Why pay more on a place you aren’t going to spend much time in?” My tune has changed since having a child because now I am spending more time in that “place.” (Gone are the days of 8-hour shore excursions and 7-hour power tan sessions.) Before deciding on the type of cabin you should book on your next cruise I would highly recommend … Continue reading

Children, Finances and Your Choices

One of the most difficult aspects when it comes to being a parent and your finances are the trade-offs that you will have to make. It can be difficult because you want to provide the best opportunities for your children, and in some instances that can involve a lot of money. Additionally you may feel torn because you are not giving your children the quality of time that you feel they deserve. Your career choice may also be affected by your decision to have a family. You may choose to take a less competitive job so that you can spend … Continue reading

Money Week in Review May 14-June 2

First I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new money blogger Debbie Vasen. I know that you will enjoy reading her insights on family finances. She has introduced herself in Why Trust a New Money Blogger? You learn more about how to include your family in your money decisions in Family Money. Comparing the Value of Your Things to Your Time helps you gain an additional perspective on what your spending your money and your time on. Money Decisions and Marriage discuss the importance of including both spouses in the financial decisions and balancing the tasks between … Continue reading

Can You Choose How Expensive It Will Be to Raise Your Child?

One ongoing discussion that my husband and I are having is about how expensive it is to raise children. I keep telling him that another child would not cost significantly more than what we are paying for right now. I think our major difference is looking at the different ends of the spectrum. I am mostly focusing on the present and he is focusing on the future. We also came from different backgrounds. He came from a smaller family. He was fortunate enough to have a car in high school. His parents helped to pay for his school. They weren’t … Continue reading