Debt and Denial

Facing debt is usually not a fun thing to do. As a result of that, many of us are in denial about how much debt we have, how much we actually owe. As one friend told me while she was writing yet another check for her daughter’s expensive extracurricular activities, “I just don’t want to know how much I’m spending. I know I’m in debt and probably won’t get out of it, so why worry?” Well, there are very good reasons to worry. First of all, if your debt gets too large, you could lose everything, including your home. Second … Continue reading

How Much Debt Is Too Much Debt?

Many people wonder how much debt is too much debt. It is truly a matter of perception. Banks will begin to consider you risky if you monthly debt minimum payments take up more than thirty six percent of your income. This would include your mortgage payment (or if you are renting your rent). The banks like you to stay within this amount, but is it truly in your best interest? At some point if you continue to borrow money, you will reach a point where it becomes extremely difficult for you to meet your monthly obligations. At this point you … Continue reading

Making Money by Marrying

No, this post does not feature tips on dowries; rather, it will hopefully help debunk myths that many people have regarding monetary wedding gifts. Some individuals staunchly believe that it is tacky or lazy to give newlyweds cash in lieu of an item listed on their wedding gift registry. According to wedding etiquette experts, cash is actually a very practical wedding present, in more ways than one. For starters, unless it is culturally acceptable, most couples can’t get away with requesting guests give cash-only as a wedding gift, so by taking the initiative to present money as a gift you … Continue reading

Health insurance for the newly unemployed

Many of us look for work at companies that offer benefits. This is how most of us are able to afford health insurance for our families. One of the most frightening things that happens when a person loses his or her job is that suddenly, your health insurance is gone as well, at a time when you can least afford to pay for medical care out of pocket. Just one illness can eat through your emergency funds in the blink of an eye, and send you spiraling into debt. Fortunately, there is hope. COBRA is the acronym for Consolidated Omnibus … Continue reading

Collections Agencies

In our “do it yourself debt reduction” series, I wanted to end with a worst-case scenario. If your debt problems have become so horrendous that you are being hounded by collection agencies, it is time to get serious. First, ask yourself some hard questions. How did I get into this mess? Can I change some things in my life to get back on track? Do I have some addictions or weaknesses that would prevent me from tackling my debt problems myself? If you are truly desperate, it is time to wise up and ask for help. If you think you … Continue reading

Does the Government Give You Homeschool Curriculum? (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this post, I mentioned that the government supplies curriculum for some states and does not for others. (When it does supply curriculum, it is not necessarily considered homeschooling). However, there are some resources supplied by the government that you can use, free for the taking. You can find some Federal Resources here: is “the official kid’s portal for the US government”. It is supplied by the Federal Citizen Information Center. It links to a plethora of pages that will teach your child everything you want them to know, and then some. Of course, it is … Continue reading