Budgets and Diets

For me, a budget is much like a diet. You start off motivated with a new plan and then it loses its luster and you are back off of it. Some call it yo-yo dieting, in this case, we will call it yo-yo budgeting. Whether it is a diet or a budget, the general concept is to control calories or spending enabling you to lose weight or manage your money. One of the reasons so many diets fail is the initial excitement wears off and the process becomes too time consuming. This can also be true of a budget. The … Continue reading

Keep Your Budget Fresh

Budgeting can be very good for finances, but very hard on your psyche. A budget is a financial diet. Like food diets and exercise programs we can become bored and want to do something, anything, except what we’re doing. So how do we stay on a budget? How do we keep the budget relationship fresh, new, and exciting? Just like with a diet or exercise plan, we have to make changes to keep things interesting. We tend to stray off of our diets because we want the foods we’re used to eating. Our new diet is a healthier way of … Continue reading

A Wallet For Budgeting?

Have you set up a new budget for the New Year? Do you revise your budget as things in your life change? Maybe you think of budget as a four letter word. Budgeting and dieting are a lot alike. A diet restricts food intake and cuts out everything that we think of as fun food. That’s why diets don’t work. A lot of people view budgets in the same way. Everything that is a must-pay is added to the budget and there’s often no room for fun in an effort to get finances in order. How is a budget going … Continue reading

Throw your Checkbook Away!

What did you say… throw your checkbook away? Now, that certainly sounds like a crazy idea coming from a money blogger. Shouldn’t you be on top of your bank accounts? How can you do that without a checkbook? The problem with a checkbook is that it is deceiving. If it is accurately kept, it only shows you the money you have at one point in time. It doesn’t explain that there are still 5 more bills to pay this month, or your paycheck next month will include your bonus. This snapshot can actually be misleading and provide you with an … Continue reading

A Personal Financial Tip from the Business Sector

Could you imagine a business without a budget? Not only would be chaos, but certain bankruptcy. Now, how really different is a business from a family? When it comes to finances, not all that much. Businesses work within the money in and money out concept. A budget helps them plan for the money they hope to bring in and the expenses they must pay in order to make that money. In a typical business, the money coming in is somewhat volatile. It is based on the customer and their spending. As far as the money going out, this falls into … Continue reading

Money Week in Review June 3-June 18

We have covered several topics in the last few weeks. There are a wide variety of articles available to help you. Favorite Money Savings Tips shares five easy ways to save money. This article covers everything from groceries to gas. You can learn to make the most of your credit cards in Negotiating Credit Card Rewards. Debbie offers some great tips to help you ear better rewards. Have You Considered Downsizing? discusses the changes that you may make in order to live comfortably both now and in the future. This article focuses on why you may change and specific areas … Continue reading