Break the Paycheck to Paycheck Cycle

How can you break the cycle of living from paycheck to paycheck? It is an awful feeling to know that you need the next paycheck to come in so that you can pay groceries and cover your bills for the month. It can be quite stressful to be counting your pennies and just hoping that your car won’t break down or that some other disaster won’t hit. So how can you break that cycle? Here are five steps that you can take to stop living from paycheck to paycheck. 1) Start by living within your means. At first you may … Continue reading

Breaking the Overdraft Cycle

One vicious cycle, which is difficult to break, is the overdraft/overdrawn cycle that can occur once you have overdrawn your account. You may have made an adding error or overspent in a category, and the next thing you know, you have overdrawn your account. You will be hit with overdraft charges, which average about twenty-five dollars per item. Often it takes several days for the notification of this to reach you, and you may be continuing to spend, and racking up many more charges. This can form a vicious cycle, because it will affect the amount that you next have … Continue reading

Overwhelmed By Your Finances?

You may be in a financial situation where you feel like you are getting nowhere. You may be strapped with overwhelming debt payments and no matter what you do, you only seem to be able to make the minimum payments. Or you may be trying to save money for retirement or a down payment on a house, and the measly hundred dollars a month doesn’t seem to be adding up very fast. It can be very discouraging to be in a situation like this. While you may feel like it is the end of the world. It is important to … Continue reading

Money Week in Review: May 1-10

There have been several topics covered over the last two weeks in the money blog. Here is a short summary of each blog. In Five Changes When You Go From Two Incomes to One Income we learned about the changes you would need to make in your financially planning. This included retirement options, insurance coverage and looking at how much you will need in your emergency fund. In Save Money on Medical Bills we learned an easy way to cut down your medical costs. It is important to closely check what you are being billed for. This also explained the … Continue reading