Holiday Shopping Etiquette

Some of us have already started our holiday shopping, and some of us have not. If you have been hitting the stores lately you may have noticed that they are busier than usual. They will get busier and busier as the season progresses. As we head out to the stores to spend our hard earned money, it is wise to keep things in perspective so that we can avoid holiday shopping stress for ourselves and also avoid causing more stress for others. In a season of giving, practicing good manners during holiday shopping is a way that we can spend … Continue reading

Black Thursday? Have Stores Gone Too Far?

This year, many stores are planning to open their doors late in the day on Thanksgiving in an attempt to lure Black Friday shoppers and their hard earned money into their stores. This move by retailers seems to have sparked a bit of an outrage among consumers and also among the employees of those stores. I love Black Friday and my husband and I have shopped on Black Friday every year for the past three years after we discovered how good the deals were. That said, I must agree with the employees and consumers that feel that starting sales on … Continue reading