Should you Keep your Money Separate or Together in a Marriage?

A discussion regarding marriage and money really has two parts. The first is the financial considerations and the second is the emotional. Money unfortunately plays a large part in most couple’s struggles. In this day and age, many women now work or have money from an outside source. Whether they came to the marriage with large assets, their own business, or other types of money situations, the relationship between couples and money has dramatically changed from 30 years ago. With these shifts in women’s independence and a family’s reliance on two incomes, there comes a new dynamic of whose money … Continue reading

Three Ways to Marriage and Money Balance

Is money a problem for you and your spouse? As the old saying goes, money can not buy a happiness, but money problems can shred a marriage and leave you and your spouse frustrated, angry and arguing with each other. Now, I am the last person to offer money management advice, in fact – I was terrible at it for years. It was my husband who managed the bulk of the finances for years and then we developed a system of trading off managing the books so we were both aware of what was going on and we alleviated the … Continue reading

Bickering with Spouse about Money?

Married? You are probably arguing about money. Most of us do. Overall, women like to have a nice cozy emergency fund and the roof over their head secure. Men prefer toys. Nice generalizations huh? Lets just pretend that these myths are true. Women want to have a nice emergency fund of about four months of living expenses. For most people that is between $10,000 and $20,000, but could reach much higher. I don’t recommend having less than $10,000 in an emergency fund as it will take this much or more for the average family to rebound after a job loss, … Continue reading

What Do You Bicker About?

Is there a difference between fighting and bickering? I really think there is. I equate fighting to be dealing with “big” issues. You know, things like raising the children, how money is spent and so forth. But I equate bickering with the “little” stuff, such as leaving the cap off the toothpaste or who gets to drive. Fighting means you have some serious issues to deal with. This requires a lot more work, perhaps even some counseling to get through it. These are issues that took time to build up and will take time to solve. However with bickering, you … Continue reading

Your Marriage Benefiting from Recession?

As I’ve repeated more than once in various articles, I’m a huge fan of Sarah Ban Breathnach and her Simple Abundance approach to life. Speaking of Simple Abundance, if I’m remembering correctly it was born during a time when another recession was under way. Back in the early 1990s. Ms. Breathnach wanted to find a way to get more out of life with less, not just materially but spiritually too. So she revamped her life and her way of thinking about life and created what has become a transformative guidebook instructing other women how to achieve both as well. This … Continue reading

The Importance of Honesty and Finances in Marriage

It is important to be completely honest about your finances with your spouse. This can be difficult at times, especially if you are spending more money than your spouse would approve of. It can also be difficult if you just do not have enough money each month—the situation is stressful and you may just want to avoid thinking about it, let alone talking about it. It may be that you have credit card debt that your spouse does not know that you have racked up. You may be hiding a savings account from a less frugal spouse as well. It … Continue reading